Find your centre and live in it.

There can be no centre in infinity.

We always need the support of the Centre.

The mother-in-law is the centre of a family.

London is a very important financial centre.

Bangalore has become a centre for healthcare.

Body experience... is the centre of creation.

And the earth self-balanced on her centre hung.

Even the human heart is slightly left of centre.

I don't really want to be the centre of attention.

The centre of the system of the world is immovable.

The players must be at the centre of their industry.

I don't really like being in the centre of attention.

The cross is the centre of all this in every respect.

When I play well, it is usually when I am in the centre.

Smack in the centre of contradiction is the place to be.

I press to my centre, and find there is something there.

It's nice to be the centre of attention among many women.

Where the frontier of science once was is now the centre.

We are now in the middle of the centre of the first half.

We would root out terrorism if the BSP comes to the centre

I think that I always loved being the centre of attention!

I was head of the Sixth Form Centre when I left the school.

One is and is not in the centre of the maelstrom of it all.

I was head of the Sixth Form Centre when I left the school.

I was never a guy who liked to be in the centre of attention.

Canada is seen to some as a confederation of shopping centres.

I prefer being as far from the centre of celebrity as possible.

Obviously I'm not prone to leak secrets left, right and centre.

My dad is a showman, he likes to be in the centre of everything.

The equatorial line is, in fact, the centre of atmospheric motion.

The Centre is very important to me; it's about trust - about truth.

I am most comfortable in the centre but can play on the side, also.

Roy Hodgson destroyed me. He made me play in the centre of midfield.

In Bangkok's budding literary scene, Prabda Yoon sits at the centre.

I joined NDA because Andhra Pradesh needed the Centre's handholding.

The bogholes might be Atlantic seepage. The wet centre is bottomless.

People should start appreciating films where women are at the centre.

Time to open up a new chapter in life, and to explore a larger centre.

I did a play in school. Then Dramsoc became the centre of my universe.

You're best off when you're part of the centre of the creative universe.

I am comfortable in any position in attack, either side or in the centre.

In opposition, you move to the centre. In government, you move the centre.

I wish politicians would put the environment at the centre of every agenda.

I love to remember the World Trade Centre walk, but it should not define me.

I used to love going to the garden centre as a kid. It made me feel relaxed.

When I go to the shopping centre, I'm not the GC. I'm just there with my mum.

Owning a property is great as that's my base and the centre of my family life.

The government of Odisha believes in constructive cooperation with the Centre.

Thoughts will lead you in circles. Silence will bring you back to your centre.

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