Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.

I feel as if I'm God's champion, and I have a lot of pride in that.

Everyone wants to be UFC champion, and that's my goal and my dream.

This is one of the toughest divisions and I’m going to be champion.

A champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning.

I know I'm a champion. I know I've got it in me, they can't stop me.

The American Communists had thrived as champions of domestic reform.

Champions aren't made in the ring, they are merely recognized there.

I've been knocked down more than any heavyweight champion in history.

Courage and initiative come when you understand your purpose in life.

A champion of the workingman has never been known to die of overwork.

Most champions get satisfied and lazy or are content with themselves.

A champion doesn't choose opponents or where the fight is going to be.

Champions keep going when they don't have anything left in their tank!

For me, it doesn't matter if you are fighting a world champion or not.

Whaddya know? I'm the first Mexican heavyweight champion of the world.

When I started fighting I've always thought about being a UFC champion.

I am very, very proud of being United States Champion and defending it.

You always recognize great champions... how they come back from a loss.

I'll put you through hell, but at the end of it all we'll be champions.

The Pentagon isn't a place that champions individuality and innovation.

I'm happy to belong to this group of top champions having excelled here.

The Games were created for the glorification of the individual champion.

If the WWF was about talent, Taka Michinoku would have been WWF champion

People still look at me as the champion and that's very important to me.

Of course, we all know what UFC stands for - Undefeated Floyd's Champion

They're cheering a young lad, the champion playboy of the Western World.

I wasn't born a world champion. I just worked really hard to become one.

The world's greatest champion of woman and womanhood is Jesus the Christ.

The one-time cotton picker was now the heavyweight champion of the world.

J.C. Ryle is an evangelical champion...One of the bravest and best of men.

My younger brother ended up the British chess champion 10 times, a record.

A true champion is one who sweats from exhaustion when no one is watching.

Behind every champion is a team that prepared him to become that champion.

If I wasn't a champion, I'd still be in jail. That makes me try very hard.

Take the feeling of hunger out of your gut, and you're no longer a champion

If she gets the jitters now, then she isn't the great champion that she is.

I'm the national champion of Jamaica now, I go into the Olympics like this.

I am Olympic champion for life, and I have learned to enjoy what that means.

Take the feeling of hunger out of your gut, and you're no longer a champion.

It is very good to be Olympic champion, but that is not the strongest field.

Just because you lose doesn't mean you're a loser, and champions don't quit.

No champion has ever lifted a trophy that was not already being held inside.

Sometimes you need to get hit in the head to realize that you're in a fight.

I am not the champion of lost causes, but the champion of causes not yet won.

Women have to be the biggest champions in the world of other women's choices.

There's a difference in thinking you are a champion and knowing that you are.

It's possible for the heavyweight champion of the world to be with one woman.

We need strong personalities and only one world champion to attract sponsors.

The best and fastest way to learn a sport is to watch and imitate a champion.

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