If the civil society is not transparent, honest, and accountable, then you cannot be a champion of social justice.

What London wants is a champion, a fighter for London. It doesn't want a patsy of George Osborne or David Cameron.

Rhetorically, President Obama is a champion of bipartisanship. In practice, though, he is almost always its enemy.

The vision of a champion is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when nobody else is looking.

If you want to be a Champion, you've got to feel like one, you've got to act like one, you've got to look like one.

The goal of higher education should be to champion the airing of all honest viewpoints. Nothing less is acceptable.

As the World Champion, every day is pretty much like Valentine's Day for me - as far as hooking up with the ladies.

I came to the UFC to fight with top-level fighters and become the undisputed, undefeated champion. This is my goal.

If the Olympic champion doesn't know how to jump quad, I don't know. Now it's not figure skating. Now it's dancing.

The Catholic Church [with Pope John Paul II] has lost its shepherd. The world has lost a champion of human freedom.

Once the Champions Tour got in me and got a hold of me, I found out how great this Tour is and how much I enjoy it.

You have to bear in mind that Mr. Autry's favorite horse was named Champion. He ain't ever had one called Runner Up.

I do want to look my best - I do want to be at my best - 'cause I do want to be WWE Champion. I do want to be on top.

Each great athlete must some day bow to that perennial old champion, Father Time, even as I, for Time eventually wins.

Everybody is looking for instant success, but it doesn't work that way. You build a successful life one day at a time.

All these nice people saying I'm going to be world champion won't make me any faster, you have to believe it yourself.

[Tom Cotton] has been an absolute champion of the idea of getting rid of Obamacare, scrapping the Affordable Care Act.

The biggest motivation for me is becoming a three-division world champion faster than any other boxer, male or female.

Growing up, at high school, we all used to wear Champion garments, which, in America, are standard-issue gym uniforms.

There are plenty of massive fights out there for me, I know that, but the goals always going to become world champion.

Being the undisputed world champion is a relief. We instituted a unified chess title, I am the absolute world champion.

To be world champion brings fame. The fame brings good things and bad things too. I try to take the good with calmness.

I'm the former lightweight champion. I want to fight one of the top guys. I don't want to fight a guy who isn't ranked.

India's fortune will depend on how many runs the little champion scores. There is no doubt Tendulkar is the real thing.

What could be better than walking down any street in any city and knowing you're the heavyweight champion of the world?

A true champion is not judged by how much he or she is admired, but by how well they can stand at the face of adversity.

It is a burden because I get asked about my father all the time. I just need to accept that he was a champion before me.

It is a burden because I get asked about my father all the time. I just need to accept that he was a champion before me.

I want to be the longest-reigning Raw Women's Champion. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to make sure that happens.

I won the Olympic gold medal in Rome, Italy. Olympic champion. The Russian standing right here, and the Pole right here.

When people are tipsy, they're really encouraged and they wanna prove they can do something to the Heavyweight champion.

Superman! Champion of the oppressed. The physical marvel who had sworn to devote his existence to helping those in need.

I'm gonna live my life the correct way, and I'm gonna be a champion the kids look up to and hopefully aspire to be like.

Not many people get to say, 'I'm a WWE champion.' It's pretty incredible just to hear those words coming out of my mouth.

I think about Rio every day. Every day in training, it's something that drives me forward. I want to be Olympic champion.

If it was easy everyone would be a champion, so you've got to decide if you're that person that's going to be a champion.

You'd be hard pressed to find a bigger champion of high-speed rail than me when the bond went to voters. I believed in it.

Only one guy can be world champion, and so if everyone else thought they were failures you'd have no one left on the grid.

I train the same way as I've always trained, even before I was champion. That's the difference, I train like a challenger.

Nellie Kim, an Olympic champion from the former Soviet Union, got a 10 right after me in '76, but nobody talks about that.

I could really care less about the TV and the fame, it's all about that lifetime achievement of becoming a world champion.

I volunteered to join Mr. Trump's campaign because he is a champion of working families, not Washington-Wall Street elites.

Once you're a NASCAR champion, you're kind of in another elite division instead of just being a competitor or a race winner.

I'm not thinking about coaching, I'm thinking about heading to Washington, watching the world champions and my brother coach

The first thing I saw was that Brett Rogers had his way very quickly - in 20 seconds - with a UFC champion, Andrei Arlovski.

There never was a champion who to himself was a good loser. There's a vast difference between a good sport and a good loser.

If you live in a global world and you want to champion liberty in it, then you have you got to sign up to that global world.

Becoming a champion is not an easy process... It is done by focusing on what it takes to get there and not on getting there.

Resolve that whatever you do, you will bring the whole man to it; that you will fling the whole weight of your being into it.

I left home when I was 13. When I was 15, I was living in a youth hostel, and I was the 167-pound amateur wrestling champion.

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