A true champion is a true champion. They go fight and win or lose, give it their all.

I don't want to be like any other boxer. My goal is to be a champion in my own style.

I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion.

So far, I don't know what it means to be the champion. I'm just glad I have the belt.

My whole life, I've been working really hard, and I can say I'm a grand slam champion.

Want to become a champion? Then build your successes on a solid foundation of failure!

Anytime you fight a champion, you got to watch the tape closely and study him closely.

When Vince McMahon said I was going to be a future world champion, he didn't say when.

Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one.

If you're the Olympic champion then they have to wait four more years to get you again.

Zinedine Zidane could be a champion sumo wrestler. He can run like a crab or a gazelle.

I don't champion the idea of being in a Hollywood movie. I never had fun in one of them

I speak for all mediocrities in the world. I am their champion. I am their patron saint.

Being intercontinental champion doesn't mean you're a champ. It means you're the future.

I dream of being champion and dream going out as champion. That's my biggest motivation.

I believe I have the attitude of a champion and a winner, and I'm not apologetic for it.

If you want to be the best you have to do things that other people aren't willing to do.

I was swimming for the United States of America. I was swimming to beat Stephen Holland.

I never thought I'd go so far. I never thought I'd be a champion. It's a dream come true.

My cousin Simon Bor, the champion of Los Angeles, convinced me to concentrate on running.

It's like a dream come true, coming to the Olympic trails and leaving being the champion.

What the Hell. In 1988, I was the AWA heavyweight champion and I never came to Milwaukee.

There will never be another Mariano Rivera. He was a friend and a champion of a teammate.

Since I was a boy of five or six, I had it in my mind I would be a world boxing champion.

Nobody gets tired of being the champions. We are still trying to go after the title again.

I've always been motivated to be a champion since the age of 13 and I love being a winner.

I've been champion of every organization that I've worked for. I'm something extraordinary.

Nike doesn't want to make products for everyone - they want to make products for champions.

If I can beat a proven champion like Canelo, that will take my career to a different level.

Anyone can train to be a gladiator. What marks you out is having the mindset of a champion.

I want to be world champion, and that's why I've worked for an entire lifetime to get here.

When I was a boxer, I wanted to be champion of the world, not the richest man in the world.

I want to be the most influential champion, in a positive light. I want to change the world.

Champions have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.

Being a champion is not just being a frontrunner and being ahead, but it's facing adversity.

When champions fail, they get back up and try again. They don't let failure discourage them.

I'm happy that Holloway is the champion. An example, someone who deserved being where he is.

I have not been one of those champions that have been fed perfect guys to make me look great.

The way I look at it is I had to retire as world champion with my last match at WrestleMania.

MY greatest regret in life is that I never became the heavyweight boxing champion ofthe world.

Being a world champion is something I'm already proud of and can take for the rest of my life.

The best evaluation I can make of a player is to look in his eyes and see how scared they are.

I seek to fight the best out there. I seek to fight the champions in every division I go up to.

I think that the World Champion should try to defend the quality of play more than anyone else.

Humanitarian convictions are the linchpins of our salvation, and these an artist must champion.

I'm not afraid of anyone, but sometimes I'm afraid of myself. The mental part is very important.

No matter what industry you're in, there will be naysayers. So you have to be your own champion.

I do protect human rights, and I hope I shall always be looked up as a champion of human rights.

Went from most hated to the Champion God Flow, I guess that's a feelin' only me and LeBron know.

If the girls and boys have talent and feel like working on themselves, they can become champions.

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