Ancelotti is a champion, in all respects.

People know I was the last true champion.

You don't need a man, you need a champion.

A champion shows who he is by what he does.

Walk like a champion! Talk like a champion!

Yeah, that was my best scoreless game ever.

I believe there is a champion in all of us.

Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion!

Being champion, there's a different mindset.

Every absurdity has a champion to defend it.

We're going to be World Champions...forever.

A true champion will fight through anything.

The rose blinds the sharpshooting champions.

Champions adjust and pressure is a privilege.

I'm a champion, so I turn tragedy to triumph.

I think every great champion has a bad night.

I can't remember the last day I didn't train.

I can be a champion and a public servant also.

What is a champion but a guy that didn't quit?

Vicodin and vodka the breakfast of champion's.

I was champion soprano of Sussex when I was 16!

My dream as a child was being a world champion.

Become a champion like Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Usually, you become a star and then a champion.

You have to be a champion in all facets of life.

A champion views resistance as a gift of energy.

To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail.

I'm the foe of moderation, the champion of excess.

You can't be a champion until you can beat a bear.

In Cuba we use our champions to promote the sport.

When I looked in his eyes, I just kept on walking.

You're either a champion or you're not a champion.

I don't want to be remembered as a beaten champion.

As a champion, I can't fight against weak fighters.

To be the World Champion in 1981 was a huge honour.

The Youngest World Heavyweight Champion in History!

A champion is defined by the adversity he overcomes

To me, peanut butter is the breakfast of champions!

Enjoy every minute of life. Never second-guess life.

Before I was a champion, I failed, and I was afraid.

Regaining the Champions Cup is not going to be easy.

Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar

Every week you have to play well to be the champion.

A champion's thirst for titles should be insatiable.

There have been great champions in every generation.

A great champion deals with setback with a comeback.

I didn't become world champion to fight Jimmy Kelly.

Champions are built on a thousand invisible mornings.

Courage is virtue which champions the cause of right.

You don't get to be world champion unless you do that.

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