No matter what happens, I will always be the champion.

Shawn Michaels - the greatest WWE champion of all time!

Champions do ordinary things better than everyone else.

You're the WWE Champion and I would never let you down!

I wasn't born to be champion - I fought to be champion.

A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning.

Modesty should be typical of the success of a champion.

If you're a champion, you have to have it in your heart.

Champions are propelled by desire, not compelled by fear

I've got a winner mentality, the mentality of a champion.

I want to be the light heavyweight champion of the world.

Champions behave like champions before they are champions

I want to go out like a Champion, I want to be carried out

Champions never complain, they are too busy getting better

I am a champion standing over the shadow of my former self.

The target for every great champion is to play for the team.

To be a champion you must act like one, act like a champion.

You wanna champion someone from your city and it blows it up.

I always wanted to be Olympic champion and do clean programs.

The other champions don't want to fight me. Every single one.

A champion pays an extra price to be better than anyone else.

When I'm champion, I'll fight the best because I am the best.

I'm a big champion of people doing things outside the system.

A champion isn’t made of muscle; a champion is made of heart.

The Breakfast of Champions isn't cereal, it's the competition!

Champions are everywhere, you just have to train them properly

Hard days are the best because that's when champions are made.

You can't be one of the best freesurfers and a world champion.

It's a dream of mine to be a mixed martial arts world champion.

I did not want to be a Champion growing up, just a fast skater.

The Philadelphia Phillies are 2008 world champions of baseball.

Courage means being afraid to do something, but still doing it.

And here comes Mika Hakkinen, double world champion twice over.

Ten thousand years as Intercontinental Champion, Oooooh yeeeah!

One of the trademarks of a champion is that he can outlast you.

Being champion is all well and good, but you can't eat a crown.

My aim is to motivate a human being, to find the champion within

Champions of Liberty get called Fascists by Champions of Statism

There's a champion in all of us, it's how you choose to find it.

Mental strength is what separates champions from near champions.

I was world champion. For me, chess is my life. It is everything.

For me, I am very much a champion of home cooking and home cooks.

Destiny's Champion, Fate's fool. Eternity's Soldier, Time's Tool.

The days of a tennis champion as a gender rights leader are over.

I want to be remembered as a great athlete. As a boxing champion.

Irreverence is the champion of liberty and its only sure defense.

My goal is to be the undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World.

What happened in the past is just that, the past. Champion or not.

Part of me didn't know if Australia wanted its champion to be gay.

In my family, Father is the world champion at ending conversations.

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