I hope lots of people will join the solidarity march on May 7th and I hope things will change.

Once you do away with the idea of people as fixed, static entities, then you see that people can change, and there is hope.

I hope I helped change people's preconceptions about 'Page 3' girls by appearing on Newsnight and at the Oxford Union debate.

I hope we see more stories where the heroes are real heroes, real people that don't need weapons or super powers to change people's lives.

There's certain songs that you're gonna record that you hope to touch people and change lives, and there's certain songs that you know that are not going to be that serious.

I hope that I can get people to read it without having to change it. Especially now that the strip has more different kinds of characters. It's really not all lesbians any more.

I hope that as a professional snowboarder, Olympian, and now, a Global Ambassador for Special Olympics, I will be able to change perceptions about people with intellectual disabilities.

If you can see these people... as human beings and capable of change, there is hope. We should be willing to reach out. Imagine what could happen if we kept reaching out to people like Westboro members?

Hope and change? We're not doing that anymore. They're doing attack and blame. And so, I just think people are going to see through this. They want real leadership. They want us to get this country on the right track.

I dug deep, and I found that there were people who voted for Obama and then voted for Trump - because they saw what they believed was going to be hope and change, and under Obama, their particular lives did not change.

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