I'm very punctual. I wish I could change this about myself because most people around me are not.

I've had people say things to me like, 'Don't change.' I don't know how to be anything other than myself.

I try to surround myself with people smarter than me - if I'm the smartest guy in the room, I change rooms.

I can't change myself for others as my upbringing has taught me to be nice and cordial with people around me.

It's like, 'You're not allowed to change. That's not fair. We like you like this.' But I don't. So let me expand and express myself.

I have always said I will try to answer questions honestly. I don't want to change that about myself. I think people appreciate that about me.

My moms always told me, 'How long you gonna play the victim?' I can say I'm mad and I hate everything, but nothing really changes until I change myself.

I'm like, 'Yeah, I could afford braces, but why should I change myself to be what everybody else wants me to be when I'm OK with who I am and I'm happy with who I am?'

Me just existing and being myself is making change and making things easier for other young queer kids. I want to be me and express that and break new ground along the way.

For me the writing, when I'm going to direct it myself, is really just the first draft, and I don't change it very much; I only change it on average about two lines per movie.

I don't compare myself with the late NTR, but I want to give livelihood to people. He was pro-poor, and people want me to substitute him and bring a change, and I will do that.

Obviously the biggest change is that it's me by myself. When you don't have another band interpreting your songs or playing them the way that they have, it's bound to sound different.

I was married to someone who wanted me to change. Become more adult, more responsible. I began not to like myself, not like what I do. I lost my identity. Everything began collapsing around me.

I wouldn't change myself for anybody. I am who I am; people accept me, or they don't. I have my strengths and my weaknesses, which I can try to improve upon, of course. I'm still not the finished product.

Doing jobs that are completely different to the last thing I did pushes me as an actor to change as much as I can. It would be easy for me to stay in a similar vein of characters or jobs, but I'm drawn to challenging myself.

If someone tied me down and made me answer the question, singer, actress, clothing designer, I most likely - it could change on any given day, but mostly likely I would lean towards singing. It's where I feel most like myself - on stage singing.

Being a tomboy worked to my advantage in fashion. I'm known as the androgynous girl - I've used it in a way that works for me. I've never felt a pressure to change myself. I do own a few Rick Owens dresses - they're more like long tank tops, though.

It's been my dream to race in F1 since I was eight. I don't see why that should change just because I've changed. It's a big challenge but I like to push myself. The accident has toughened me up and made me realise what's important. It's spurred me on to get to F1.

I had certain physical limitations that made me change the choreography for myself or made me more interested in choreography only rather than dancing. I have never been a person who wanted to just dance. I have always been interested in developing for other people.

I thank the Lord for having the kind of a career that doesn't happen very often to an individual. A lot of times when I was playing, I pinched myself to see if it was really me and if it was really happening. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change anything.

I kind of see myself as a cartoon that's on its way to becoming a real person that has to find that special amulet or mushroom to get to that next realm or level. I don't feel like anything is that tangible. It freaks me out, why I feel unhappy or conflicted and why that can change on a dime.

For each project I do, I try to surprise myself, do the unexpected, and change my own status quo. From the One Laptop Per Child, the Herman Miller Sayl, or the latest Movado watch collection, there is always an insecurity about being able to do something important. I think each of those projects makes me feel like we have progressed.

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