Charter schools are not a panacea.

The U.N. charter bars the threat of force.

To no human charter am I indebted for my rights.

I expect there will be more public charter schools.

Charter schools have a far higher proportion of teachers who are not certified.

I believe public education is the new civil rights battle and I support charter schools.

You don't need a city charter to know that education is the foundation of any community.

The official Hamas charter calls for the murder of Jews and destruction of the Jewish state.

The Magna Carta was the first class-based charter, enforced on the monarchy by the rising class.

Hamas says in its charter they want to see a world without Israel. They want to obliterate Israel.

All special charters of freedom must be abrogated where the universal law of freedom is to flourish.

The Human Rights Act is a really important constitutional document, it isn't just a villain's charter.

We have a law that allows us to establish charter schools here in this state. We ought to get going on it.

I've never believed the charter movement was exclusively for socially and economically disadvantaged kids.

Most charter schools admit students by random lottery, making it impossible for them to pick only the best.

It was during the Reagan years that defiance of international law and the U.N. Charter became entirely open.

The 'niche' effect of charter schools guarantees a swift and vicious deepening of class and racial separation.

Charter schools in particular have proven a lifeline for millions of children stuck in chronically failing schools.

My wife has a public charter school for children with dyslexia. Almost every one of them has failed in a public school.

Zimbabwe is an unusual case study in African colonialism in that it was invaded by a private company under Royal Charter.

You look at public education system, charter schools, infrastructure, in so many ways New Orleans has come back stronger.

Our ultimate goal with Real Models is to open a school and I would love to do it here in Miami, open up a charter school.

Trump University had neither a license nor a charter from New York State certifying it as an institution of higher education.

I'll put everything I have in my capacity at the service of the noble cause and noble values of the U.N. and the U.N. Charter.

By the late '70s I had come to question the point of a great deal of what we were doing, in terms of the CIA's overall charter.

After working as a charter boat captain and dive master in the Caribbean for a number of years, I decided it was time for a change.

Charter Cities has been approached in many different ways, by many people acting as individuals or as representatives of organizations.

Again and again, there is no respect for the United Nations Charter that makes it illegal under international law to seek regime change.

Before Juilliard, I was a schoolteacher for a little bit. I taught in a charter school. I was a substitute teacher for kids ages 3 to 6.

People still think there's sort of a debate around the Charter that politicos go into. And I get wrapped up in it, too, from time to time.

Obviously I'd like NASA to follow their charter - the exploration of our solar system and beyond. I'd like to see people someday go to Mars.

The New Deal repudiation of democracy has left the Republican Party alone the guardian of the Ark of the Covenant with its charter of freedom.

I live in the social purgatory of the San Fernando Valley, while my eldest daughter is bused to a charter school in the fantasy land of Bel Air.

NASA's charter is to give Americans the means to get into the wild, black yonder, beyond even the grasp of the federal government that funded it.

If you read the Freedom Charter carefully, you will find that - the clause that refers to education, and it says education must be free 'on merit.'

Albuquerque is my home. I want my kids and all of our children to be able to go to any public or charter school and receive an excellent education.

United Nations Day marks the birthday of our founding Charter - the landmark document that embodies the hopes, dreams and aspirations of 'we the peoples.'

Charter schools were supposed to compete with public schools, and in turn, that competition was meant to improve education. But that wasn't the end result.

I was conducted in the evening to a tavern where several of the weavers who advocate the principles of the People's Charter were in the habit of assembling.

We must never relent in our efforts to resolve conflicts through diplomacy and through all of the instruments bestowed by the Charter of the United Nations.

My belief in human rights includes a fundamental principle that is written into Article 1 of the UN Charter: respect for equal rights and self-determination.

I would argue that the charter schools are really good at building programming and curriculum around the issues and the interests of the kids that they serve.

90 percent of American schoolchildren are in public schools. And the emphasis on private schools and charter schools and parochial schools is not unimportant.

My father, his values were anchored in the time, but they were also timeless, whether it's bilingualism, multiculturalism or the charter of rights and freedoms.

We want the world our children inherit to be defined by the values enshrined in the U.N. Charter: peace, justice, respect, human rights, tolerance, and solidarity.

Arizona is a national leader in school choice with both charter schools and tuition tax credits giving parents and their children more school choices than ever before.

Very few charter schools are being created in some of the best school districts in the state. If you're an educational innovator, that isn't where the greatest need is.

One of my main legislative efforts in education is to help expand and replicate successful charter schools. Charter schools are public schools with site-based governance.

To me, the European Union says there is a charter that protects you; you have fundamental rights, and they are staying silent when they are violating my fundamental rights.

Since the fall of 2010, people associated with Charter Cities, a not-for-profit think tank that I founded, have been providing pro bono advice to the government of Honduras.

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