I start by using Chinese and many of the sounds of other languages are similar.

I really like unhealthy food, so I eat a lot of fast food. I also like Chinese.

Not like Chinese food, where you eat it and then you feel hungry an hour later.

A lot of Chinese don't understand why people in the West are critical of China.

Chinese don't really believe in markets. They like stability, they like control.

I find when you talk with the Chinese on most subjects, they are very practical.

The Chinese culture belongs not only to the Chinese but also to the whole world.

Chopsticks or no chopsticks, it was the Chinese who first used knives and forks.

I have had no contact with the Chinese government. I only work with journalists.

Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue.

As History stands, it is a sort of Chinese Play, without end and without lesson.

I don't think the Chinese look out at the world and want to overturn the system.

Chinese restaurants have long been a weekly or monthly ritual for many Americans.

What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others.

I wish I could fly. Or speak fluent Chinese. Both I think are equally impossible.

Chinese people need to be controlled; otherwise, they will do whatever they want.

The Chinese have an excellent proverb: "Be modest in speech, but excel in action.

My Chinese zodiac is a dog. But I'm an exception because of how much I love cats.

My children speak very good Chinese, and they translate for our American friends.

I just wasn't cut out to be a Chinese Tiger Mom. I'm more of an Irish Setter Dad.

Nothing and no one can destroy the Chinese people. They are relentless survivors.

I'm not the Asian kid of 'Riverdale;' I'm Reggie, and I just happen to be Chinese.

I'm Vietnamese and Chinese, and I am the year of the dragon in the Chinese zodiac.

Freestyle, especially aerials, fits the Chinese because we are good at gymnastics.

What girls do to each other is beyond description. No chinese torture comes close.

The literal meaning of the Chinese characters for revolution is elimination of life

I have had no contact with the Chinese government ... I only work with journalists.

I may have ruined my life, but at least I got to eat some really good Chinese food.

The Chinese say it's better to be deprived of food for three days than tea for one.

Food is the main engine that drives connectedness, relationship in Chinese society.

I never bought a stock in my life. I don't understand it. To me it is like Chinese.

For me, I think the Lord wanted me to win to put a smile on Chinese people's faces.

The most difficult battles in life are those we fight within. - Old Chinese Proverb

I'm obsessed with Chinese food and culture. It's food that I adore above all others.

I think the modernization of Chinese economy and Chinese society is a prime concern.

[John] Cassavetes, "Killing of a Chinese Booker", "Opening Night" are my favourites.

Anticompetitive practices hurt Chinese private firms nearly as much as foreign ones.

Remember, sex is like a Chinese dinner. It ain't over 'til you both get your cookie.

The beginning of wisdom, as the Chinese say, is calling things by their right names.

To worry before the common people worries; To enjoy only after the people can enjoy.

I love the Chinese words for greeting: not strictly 'Hello' but 'Have you eaten yet?

Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back.” - Chinese proverb

In Chinese, there are an impressive number of ways to describe saying nothing at all.

If I need to buy a TV, I'll definitely buy a Japanese TV. A Chinese TV might explode.

Chinese food tries to engage the mind, not just the palate. To provoke the intellect.

The Confucian concept and Chinese ideograms for 'woman' and for 'slave' are the same.

What Chinese parents understand is that nothing is fun until you're good at it. pg 29

The Chinese, the Russians, the Nazis and Saddam Hussein all agree! Gun Control Works!

I believe that the Chinese people as a whole love to make investments in real estate.

The Constitution isn't written in Chinese, Swahili or Sanskrit. It's in plain English.

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