JOSS-STICKS- Small sticks burned by the Chinese in their pagan ...

JOSS-STICKS- Small sticks burned by the Chinese in their pagan tomfoolery, in imitation of certain sacred rites of our holy religion.

I love Chinese movies.

[Bebop is] Chinese music.

Never seek illicit wealth.

Justice for All in the World

Chinese people age overnight.

Too many cooks spoil the broth

I worked in a Chinese restaurant.

The Chinese people have stood up.

My great grandmother was Chinese .

I am Taiwanese as well as Chinese.

I really like gross Chinese things.

With a heavy load and a long journey

To know you have enough is to be rich.

Never hesitate to ask a lesser person.

I'm about as Chinese as Herbert Hoover.

I'm just one of the 1.3 billion Chinese.

The Chinese market is very, very unique.

Not really. I'm not a fan of Chinese food

I must stick with Chinese language films.

Life is finite, While knowledge is infinite.

The whole end of speech is to be understood.

The World is Large - Its beauty indescrible.

I'm as proud to be Chinese as I am American.

Nobody is making Americans buy Chinese goods.

Alcohol is the devil and I need Chinese food.

A huge Chinese population here in... Houston.

Modern Chinese culture is weak and lackluster.

My food demons are Chinese food, sugar, butter.

I'm not Chinese. I thrive in interesting times.

I saw a Werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand

The spark from a tiny star can ignite the plains.

Even one billion Chinese do not a superpower make.

Club Med is very suitable for a Chinese lifestyle.

There is a phrase in Chinese, 'Resolve is victory.'

Chinese people themselves, they really want change.

I'm putting all my money in the Chinese toy market.

The Chinese consumer is everybody. It's very simple.

Without going outside, you may know the whole world!

Chinese society is organised around the family unit.

A solemn funeral is inconceivable to the Chinese mind.

How can the reality of 600 million Chinese be ignored?

Like all Jews, I was probably at a Chinese restaurant!

In Dogtown, skateboards are like bikes to the Chinese.

The Chinese economy has huge potential and flexibility.

I am Chinese - it doesn't matter what other people say.

The Internet is truly God's gift to the Chinese people.

The Chinese are no slouches when it comes to capitalism.

Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.

Canada has become such a staging area for Chinese money.

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