I learned about Chinese ceramics and African sculptures, I aired my scanty knowledge of the French Impressionists, and I prospered.

To make an artwork good enough to enter people's hearts is like what ancient Chinese called 'making stone into gold.' It is alchemy.

The U.S. State Department has a consistent record of error in the assessment of Asian situations and judging Red Chinese intentions.

The first thing the Chinese ask you when they meet you is: 'How much money do you make?' It's a legitimate question to ask in China.

I would love to learn other languages, maybe French? My uncle speaks German so maybe also German? Chinese seems to be too difficult.

I love being part of the Chinese scene as a businessman. That doesn't mean that there aren't short-term discomforts and adjustments.

I think the Chinese do have visions of being a great power. And I think it's legitimate. And I don't see that that's a danger to us.

When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.

Chinese culture has a lot of virtues that are tremendously valuable to not only us as Asian-Americans, but also the world in general.

In 1995, the Chinese government picked a 6-year-old child to succeed the Panchen Lama, the second highest figure in Tibetan Buddhism.

I've built a career in Asia for 18 years, playing roles that had nothing to do with my race because everybody's Chinese in the films.

As long as the food is well prepared and not overdone, I think it tastes good. It doesn't matter if it's Chinese, Japanese, anything.

Chinese... companies do not have to think about whether they do something to enhance their competitive edge in international markets.

All the rest of the world uses the word electricity. They've borrowed the word from English. But we Chinese have our own word for it!

More and more Chinese intend to embrace freedom of speech and human rights as their birthright, not some imported American privilege.

The person I love most is the Dalai Lama. China destroyed his country, yet he says that it's imperative we show love for the Chinese.

Our parents decided not to teach us Chinese. It was an era when they felt we would be better off if we didn't have that complication.

My mom is Jamaican and Chinese, and my dad is Polish and African-American, so I had a pretty diverse culinary background to work with.

As she read the ten commandments for the first time, a Chinese woman said, "I don't see how anyone can very well get on without them."

Singing songs like 'The Man I Love' or 'Porgy' is no more work than sitting down and eating Chinese roast duck, and I love roast duck.

The 'chinked out' style is a school of hip hop - that's the way I like to think of it - that incorporates Chinese elements and sounds.

Ohio workers and Ohio manufacturers already know that we are, in fact, in a trade war, and the Chinese have done very well, thank you.

The WWE is a company that's in the world. There are many languages. There's India, there's Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, many languages.

I want Chinese history to remember me as Carnegie is remembered. I want Chinese people to remember me as they remember Marx and Lenin.

Except if it has some historical meaning for them to have Tibet under their control. I don't understand why [ Chinese] want it so much.

On the face of it, China has won the Olympics. But it is not China that has won, but the Communist party. The Chinese people have lost.

Design is very, very critical for the success of the car. We want to find the distinctive features for Chinese cars on the world stage.

When I think of Chinese parents, I think of people who weep upon hearing Beethoven, but who can't necessarily bring that joy to others.

Please understand the reason why Chinese vegetables taste so good. It is simple. The Chinese do not cook them, they just threaten them!

To call yourself a Chinese artist or woman artist or African artist reflects a certain kind of condition. To me, that is not necessary.

We (the Chinese) eat food for its texture, the elastic or crisp effect it has on our teeth, as well as for fragrance, flavor and color.

At the state dinner for Chinese President Hu Jintao, Hu opened a fortune cookie that said, 'You will lend us another trillion dollars.'

If I had remained in Lhasa, even without the Chinese occupation, I would probably have carried the ceremonial role in some orthodox way.

We must wait for the official history of the Chinese Revolution to record in greater detail the invaluable work of our Japanese friends.

To me the soul of an Indian seemed as precious as the soul of an Englishman, and the Gospel as much for the Chinese as for the European.

The Chinese are planning a manned mission to the moon sometime after 2020, and subsequently, to Mars. The U.S. has abandoned that dream.

Conditions in Chinese factories are harsh. They're much harsher than they are in, for instance, the United States or any Western nation.

Like Moscow, I wish to lay the foundation of the Chinese Republic deeply in the minds of the young generation - the workers of tomorrow.

I've read that the ancient Chinese art of feng shui can bring a sense of peace, well-being, and positive energy to a home - same as beer.

So-called Chinese art and culture is under control of the Party. They exist to serve the official agenda. I call it fake art and culture.

I just need to focus on myself. I think nobody should focus on others, whether they actually have a problem with Chinese swimming or not.

During the Cultural Revolution, the communists came in, and what they wanted to do was eradicate all sense of traditional Chinese culture.

The Chinese government clearly sees Internet and mobile innovation as a major driver of its global economic competitiveness going forward.

Why don't we save and invest in our future and start making the things that millions of Chinese consumers are going to want in the future.

I wanted my children to have the best combination: American circumstances and Chinese character. How could I know these things do not mix?

One good thing about being brought up with Chinese food from another country means that you're not a purist and you will accept deviation.

One day, people in China may be able to see the records of conversations between multinational tech companies and the Chinese authorities.

Because the Chinese insistence on one child, I think the proportion of older, non-working age population is going to rise sharply in China.

The Chinese had accused the Tibetans of being terrorists, which is weird. A Tibetan terrorist is like an Amish hacker. It just doesn't fit.

The Chinese are brought up to believe that you should be silent in class. The teacher speaks, and you just listen and absorb what they say.

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