Art is the signature of civilizations.

Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.

Civilizations can only be understood by those who are civilized.

Institutions are what allow us to have continuity in civilizations.

All great civilizations, in their early stages, are based on success in war.

When civilizations collide, it usually isn't the more primitive one that prevails.

The first light of human consciousness and the world's first civilizations were in Africa.

India and Vietnam are old civilizations. We have ancient cultural and spiritual connections.

Getting access to diverse civilizations should be easy, and languages are the gateway to that.

If the European Union wants to be an address where civilizations meet, it must take Turkey in.

A dialogue among civilizations can be seen as a dialogue between the individual and the universal.

Throughout its history, Islam has borrowed and adapted from other civilizations, both ancient and modern.

Science fiction has always used metaphors and disguises, talking about alien civilizations or the future.

Before the Greeks were the Tamils. The Tamils are one of the oldest civilizations that's still surviving.

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years.

In the end, what brings civilizations down is when the elites lose confidence in the rightness of their cause.

Our most intimate contact with civilizations long since dust has been through the art which has survived them.

One of the indictments of civilizations is that happiness and intelligence are so rarely found in the same person.

But it is a law of life and development in history where two national civilizations meet they fight for ascendancy.

Civilizations are not remembered by their business people, their bankers or lawyers. They're remembered by the arts.

The precedent is that civilizations collapse, and everything's stacked up for this one to go, and it's a mess when it happens.

I am studying ancient civilizations, trying to find what happened to them, finding out why they went into a decline, why they died.

Personally, my interests are ancient history and ancient civilizations. In my own life, I'd like to go to places like Easter Island.

The role of religions in the domination and destruction of African civilizations was ruthless... Islam was as guilty as all the rest.

One of the things that I'm fascinated about generally is the rise and fall of everything, from civilizations to families to companies.

We - what we need is a dialogue among civilizations. And we need multiculturalism, respect for diversity, tolerance, respect for diverse faiths.

All creatures tread across the rubble of ruined civilizations. The trick is to keep moving. No animal ever goes about dispensing shallow compassion.

Of the twenty-two civilizations that have appeared in history, nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state the United States is in now.

All of my work stems from the simplest of ideas that go back to the earliest civilizations: making clothing from one piece of cloth. It is my touchstone.

Civilizations are built by the ceaseless toil of a succession of generations. With softness and sloth, civilizations succumb. Let us beware of decadence.

Throughout history, civilizations have built a common cause through coming-of-age rituals. But we don't do that anymore. Maybe we should think about that.

Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences.

We live in a world of crisis, of challenge, and... it's in our galleries that we can unpack the civilizations that we're seeing the current manifestations of.

I know a lot of Americans in Paris who have married Frenchmen. They keep bringing up their experience, the clash of civilizations, the clash of personalities.

Historically, if you look at great civilizations, why do they crumble? Is it because of what's outside or because of something internal? It's always internal. It is.

Monuments and archaeological pieces serve as testimonies of man's greatness and establish a dialogue between civilizations showing the extent to which human beings are linked.

Radio astronomers are aware in the back of their minds that if there are other civilizations out there in space, it might be the radio astronomers who first pick up the signal.

Thousands of years and many civilizations have defined a marriage as the union between one man and one woman. With few exceptions, those civilizations that did not follow that perished.

I would like to see us get this place right first before we have the arrogance to put significantly flawed civilizations out onto other planets, even though they may be utterly uninhabited.

It would have been nice if the people who were criticising 'Civilizations' had actually watched it. But the popular response has been tremendous, and in the end, that's what really matters.

People quite often think of the question 'Are we alone in the universe?' in terms of other civilizations out there: life forms that have reached at least our level of technological development.

Because civilizations are finite, in the life of each of them there comes a moment when the center ceases to hold. What keeps them at such times from disintegration is not legions but language.

The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers created the 'Fertile Crescent' where some of the first civilizations emerged. Today they are immensely important resources, politically as well as geographically.

It is commonly said and known that each civilization has its own religion. Now my claim is that if we look deeper, the different civilizations were brought into being by the different revelations.

America is a place of many great events. Here is where Adam dwelt, where the Garden of Eden was located. America was the place of former civilizations, including Adam's, the Jaredites', and Nephites'.

I'm not a chauvinist. I'm a universalist. I think that God imploded, like a spiritual big bang, to launch the eight civilizations that make up recorded history and the religions in those civilizations.

I wanted to get the most broad foundation for a lifelong education that I could find, and that was studying Latin and the classics. Meaning Roman and Greek history and philosophy and ancient civilizations.

The clash of civilizations or the clash between Islam and the West may be cliches. But there is an even bigger cliche around: that this clash actually goes on within Islam, between reformists and fanatics.

If the lives of men can be measured in terms of years, ideologies in decades, and nations in centuries, then the unit measuring civilizations, born of the interaction among peoples, would be the millennium.

'Avatar' imaginatively revisits the crime scene of white America's foundational act of genocide, in which entire native tribes and civilizations were wiped out by European immigrants to the American continent.

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