You should not bear insults.

You shouldn't bear humiliations.

Break all the TVs, burn all the Bibles.

I believe in doing good for good's sake.

All life is a test one way or the other.

I believe in spirituality, which is out there.

Clowns don't build institutions, nor do boxers.

The Arabs are deep in the slave trade right now.

Attending church is one thing, belonging is another.

If God is love, then God has no stepchildren to love.

I will only debate with my equals. All others I teach.

History is like a clock, it tells you your time of day.

We're all in a test. With or without God, we're in a test.

Man's most intelligent age may have gotten lost in history.

If we don't unite, chances are we will go back into slavery.

Slavery ended and left its false images of black people intact

Whoever is in control of the hell in your life, is your devil.

Service is the highest form of prayer as far as I am concerned.

We're in a world of propaganda. Some of it is all to effective.

Every form of true education trains the student in self-reliance

The standard reason for Thanksgiving doesn't mean nothing to me.

People rise and fall on the basis of the makings of institutions.

We 've lost something else: the relationship between men and women.

Educating a child won't be difficult if you get through to the parent.

In a collective society, everybody's business is everybody's business.

No more religion anymore. No more who's a Moslem and who's a Protestant.

To make one people better than the other would be ungodly in the first place.

The white woman has never had the co-equal status that the African woman has had.

The African had opinions about the universe that eventually turned out to be true.

Your behavior determines, to some extent, the destiny of your nation and your group.

You walk out in the street, we don't know if we're going to get across. It's a test.

I could pull all kinds of games on my mother. I couldn't pull any games on my father.

I attended a Baptist church as a child and was an avid reader starting with the Bible.

To be black and beautiful means nothing in this world unless we are black and powerful.

The one thing you never integrate at the ruin of your own pleasure is your institutions.

I think that Jesus-dependency has taken over our minds, and too many of our institutions.

The first light of human consciousness and the world's first civilizations were in Africa.

I have walked majestically with kings and queens and presidents and other heads of states.

Europeans not only colonized most of the world, they colonized information about the world.

In Africa, the woman was co-equal. In Europe, the woman was a vassal. To some extent, she still is.

A people's relationship to their heritage is the same as the relationship of a child to its mother.

To hold a people in oppression you have to convince them first that they are supposed to be oppressed.

If we are going to be masters of our destiny, we must be masters of the ideas that influence that destiny.

White people think when you love yourself you hate them. No, when I love myself they become irrelevant to me.

With no specific procedure, man arrived at sweeping conclusions about the universe that have proven to be true.

A good teacher, like a good entertainer first must hold his audience's attention, then he can teach his lesson.

History is a compass that you locate yourself on the map of human geography, politically, culturally, financially.

Man's attitude towards the universe and his opinion of the universe predates the scientific probe of the universe.

I don't attend any particular church now. I don't believe in denominations, nor do I believe in organized religion.

Everything that touches YOUR life, must be an instrument of YOUR liberation or tossed into the trash cans of HISTORY

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