I wear men's cologne - it gets the fellas!

It's my cologne. Eau de Recent Injury." (Jace)

I'm not a bath man myself. More of a cologne man.

Flattery is like cologne water, to be smelt, not swallowed.

I think it's interesting that 'cologne' rhymes with 'alone.'

Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.

If I splurge on anything, it's cologne. I love smelling good.

Cologne, you know, you gotta make sure you smell good all the time.

I must say I personally prefer the FC Cologne anthem over the Liverpool one.

Ever notice how these European trains always smell of eau de cologne and hard boiled eggs?

Estee Lauder cologne. Sam Cooke always wore it, and I started wearing it because he wore it.

I do love when men wear cologne - if I get a hint of it, I want to move closer so I can smell it more.

It's Fendi. French, Fendi, both start with an F... I fell in love with it. Smells like grown-man cologne.

I myself have already spent a third of my life in Germany, first in Cologne and then, since 1994, in Berlin.

I like a man who smells good. Puts on cologne; lotions his body. It keeps me wanting. I like feeling that way.

I had the pressure when I started my career at 18 at Cologne, when people were saying, 'Ah, Podolski, the new hero of Cologne.'

I don't wear cologne. I do occasionally, but anytime I take a shower, I just put on deodorant. That's basically what I smell like.

I'd never bought a bottle of cologne in my life, never dabbled in Drakkar Noir before the big high school date or Polo before the prom.

Both my grandmother and mother used to wear the Red Roses cologne, and when I was 21 or 22, I smelled the same scent on a friend of mine.

Men still wear cologne, but I wish they wouldn't. No matter what you may believe, all men's fragrances smell like the air freshener in a taxi.

The cologne you pick should make you feel good when you go out with it. I think confidence comes across more than any other of our attributes.

I think you can tell the difference between 'swagger' and real confidence immediately. You can smell it, like bad body spray versus nice cologne.

I was born December 21, 1917, in Cologne, on the Rhine, the son of the sculptor and cabinet-maker, Viktor Boell, and his wife, Maria, nee Hermanns.

Picture it in your mind's nostril: you get in a cab in time to catch twin thugs named Vomit and Cologne assaulting a defenseless pine-tree air freshener.

I love a good goatee. I'm actually obsessed with goatees. I do like my men smooth, though. I like him to smell really good, so a great cologne is always hot.

I've been super-fresh since elementary school. I'd lay out all my clothes, my Jordans right there, I know what cologne I'm gonna wear, my boxers match my socks.

My morning routine is quite common: I have breakfast at home while reading the newspaper, I take a shower, get dressed, a spray of cologne, and I am ready to go!

I spent most of the year in the studio for electronic music at a radio station in Cologne or in other studios where I produced new works with all kinds of electronic apparatus.

We always have a great time touring Germany, but one of my favourite museums in the world is Museum Ludwig, an incredible contemporary art museum in Cologne. I could spend all day in it.

I used to steal my father's cologne, and it was so strong. My mother would always know when I did because it was so intrusive. That's why I like Evolution - it's a strong yet subtle scent.

As early as December 1945, I accompanied my wife and a few relatives in their return from evacuation in the countryside to Cologne, where over the years we settled down in a destroyed house.

I like fresh and clean. I don't ever want anyone to smell me and say, 'Oh that guy is wearing a lot of cologne.' I want people to smell me and say, 'You smell really good!' I think there is a difference.

The products in my bathroom are pretty minimal. Issey Miyake makes great cologne, and I use everything from Zirh, especially their shave scream. I really like Mario Badesco aftershave, too. It's amazing.

I used to switch up my cologne every two to three months, get a new wave - Dolce, Versace, Burberry. But Black Orchid, that joint stayed. That's the smell of beauty that stays on you... and girls love Tom Ford.

Cologne was my big team, my favourite team. I trained one week in Cologne, and they asked me to sign for Cologne. At 17 or 18, the coach asked me to go the first-team training ground. I was lucky to have that coach.

I've definitely had my share of calls where I just laugh. Someone came to me once and wanted to do a signature Hawk cologne. I was like, 'Of what? Sweaty pads? Am I wringing out my pads into a little perfume bottle?'

I like very masculine smells. I like wood scents on men. I just like a man to smell great, but I don't like very strong cologne. I don't like when a man is overpowered by cologne. I think subtle and sexy is always best.

Between 1950 and 1951, I worked as a temporary employee in the Cologne Bureau of Statistics. From summer 1951 on, I have lived as a freelance writer with a fixed postal address in Cologne but with a continually shifting place of work.

There are people who want me to do a cologne. They want to call it 'Patrick.' I was offered a fortune to make exercise videos. Posters, all kinds of stuff - something like $10 million worth. It's insanity. I'm not going to do any of it.

On a visit to Cologne in March 1945, after a heavy bombing, I met hundreds and hundreds of deserters who were squatting in the rubble, many in the deep cellars left from Roman times. They had been hiding there after the retreat from France.

We don't really want to work for a corporation; however, we do aspire to one day make a barbecue sauce that doubles as a cologne, and we would like to promote that ourselves. We would like to create a cologne barbecue sauce benchmark of success.

There are tons of women's perfumes that I've smelt and been like, 'I love that. I would totally wear that,' and lots of women smell a lot of men's cologne and think the same thing about that. I think there should be no reason to put gender on it.

I had it on my mind that I will fight in Cologne, because UFC is coming to Germany, where the biggest and largest Croatian community lives there. It was my big, big, big wish to participate. Even my doctor didn't believe I will make it, but I did.

When I first began visiting West Germany in the early 1980s, I was startled by the contrast between Birmingham, where I went to school, and affluent Cologne. My host family, the lovely Schumachers, always had an opulent array of grapes on the table; they were better dressed than anyone I knew in Britain.

I have a friend - not a dwarf - who's an alchemist of sorts. He concocted a men's cologne... He gave me a bottle as a gift. I was thinking we should totally put this on the market. You know how Jessica Simpson and Beyonce have signature perfumes and make a mint? I'm thinking this cologne could be my ticket to fortune.

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