Honest good humor is the oil and wine of a merry meeting, and there ...

Honest good humor is the oil and wine of a merry meeting, and there is no jovial companionship equal to that where the jokes are rather small and laughter abundant.

I can understand companionship.

I enjoy intellectual companionship.

Solitude sometimes is best society.

Never make a companion equal to a brother.

The most important thing in my life is Christ.

Isolation offered its own form of companionship

No possession is gratifying without a companion.

I enjoy the friendship and companionship of others

When people are lonely they stoop to any companionship.

A crowd of fellow-sufferers is a miserable kind of comfort.

Accident counts for as much in companionship as in marriage.

Like, according to the old proverb, naturally goes with like.

There is an organic affinity between joyousness and tenderness.

Seek the companionship of virtuous friends, not virtual friends.

To me 'love' is not just marriage and kids. It is companionship.

Not romance but companionship makes the happiness of daily life.

If I could always read, I should never feel the want of company.

When what you want is a relationship, and not a person, get a dog.

It is better to live alone, there is no companionship with a fool.

Friendship is a creature formed for a companionship not for a herd.

Champagne offers a minimum of alcohol and a maximum of companionship.

Of all the paths [that] lead to a woman's love Pity's the straightest.

Stay away from a companionship that does not benefit you with knowledge.

The companionship of dead writers is a wonderful form of live friendship.

There is nothing as important as having the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

In the end there is no desire so deep as the simple desire for companionship.

There's something comforting about the companionship of animals in a new place.

People want to marry me for companionship. No thanks! I've got my cats for that!

I don't know that I would want to be married again, but I do love companionship.

The solution to alone-ness is not more solitude, but companionship and community.

Books are a poor substitute for female companionship, but they are easier to find.

When a companion's heart of itself overflows, the best one can do is to do nothing.

In the companionship of art we are all of a time. Early or late we are to be shared.

Heartfelt and willing obedience invites the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.

I am convinced that...in the struggle for righteousness man has cosmic companionship.

Everybody understands companionship, wants it, gets it, no matter what it looks like.

I turn to books for a feeling of companionship: for somebody knowing what I have known.

In the end it all came down to companionship, to friendship, to sacrifice, to compromise.

The first time you marry for love, the second for money, and the third for companionship.

One may define flattery as a base companionship which is most advantageous to the flatterer.

The companionship of a secret is often corruptive to good habits, such as sleep and appetite.

Death is the starlit strip between the companionship of yesterday and the reunion of tomorrow.

Mature love is composed and sustaining; a celebration of commitment, companionship, and trust.

A picture lives by companionship, expanding and quickening in the eyes of the sensitive observer

Conversion comes as we live pure and virtuous lives and enjoy the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

It is a comfort to the miserable to have comrades in misfortune, but it is a poor comfort after all.

What it meant to me: a happy life, of course, companionship, of course. A common objective, I think.

There is not enough celebration of companionship. Relationships aren't just about eroticism and sexuality.

The sweet companionship of eternal marriage is one of the greatest blessings God has granted to His children.

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