Gymnastics is so complex.

Woman are complex creatures.

We live in a very complex world.

Simplicity is a most complex form

I reserve my right to be complex.

We are a complex species to observe

Home is a complex and resonant idea.

My pictures are complex and so am I.

Islamophobia is a complex phenomenon.

Derivatives are a huge, complex issue.

The complex develops out of the simple.

Motivations are too tangled and complex.

God is simple, everything else is complex

The genius is in making the complex simple.

The simple and most complex answer is love.

I think life's too complex to be an accident.

It's really complex to make something simple.

Only people who are well off can be - complex.

I understand that finance can be very complex.

Culture is not a biologically transmitted complex

I searched so hard for a part that was so complex

Humans are alive, therefore life must be complex.

People are complex. I'm just showing my complexity.

Markets are too complex to manipulate beneficially.

I'd be wary of simple solutions to complex problems.

I'm interested in characters that are complex people.

I tell you, with complex numbers you can do anything.

In complex trains of thought signs are indispensable.

I am deeply romantic and a genuine yet complex person.

I have such trust comples. I'm close to like two people.

Beware the influence of the military-industrial complex.

I'm interested in playing lots of different complex women.

Art at its greatest is fantastically deceitful and complex.

I'm as moody and complex and private as anyone I ever knew.

I have such trust complexes. I'm close to, like, two people.

Everybody's a complex person. Everybody. Everybody's nuanced.

Every complex problem has a simple solution that doesn't work.

All artists are egotistical maniacs with inferiority complexes.

I find it rare to see truly complex portraits of women on film.

I have a huge ego and a huge inferiority complex at the same time.

The closer you look at something, the more complex it seems to be.

Everything that we are making, we are making more and more complex.

Failure is inevitable; it happens all the time in a complex economy.

Ours is a colourful and diversified world. It is also a complex one.

Software work is the most complex that humanity has ever undertaken.

Some formulas are too complex and I don't want anything to do with them.

People are so complex that you can't possibly know anybody in 90 minutes.

Writers write. That's all it is. It is as simple, and as complex, as that.

I live proudly in a body of my own design. I defend my right to be complex

Things that are complex are not useful, Things that are useful are simple.

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