Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle ...

Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.

More will mean worse.

I don't like conflict.

We belong to each other.

I like conflict in songs.

No conflict, no interest.

For me, drama is conflict.

It's a conflict of parallels.

Every conflict can be removed.

We are the prisoners of ideas.

Conflict is always fun to play.

You are at enmity with yourself.

There's conflict in every story.

The archenemy is the arch stupid!

Conflict is the pursuit of truth.

At the heart of drama is conflict.

Character development is conflict.

All conflict comes from attachment.

Solution = Conflict + Collaboration

Conflict is the soul of literature.

Conflict, when mismanaged, destroys.

Conflict is growth trying to happen.

Conflict isn't negative, it just is.

Conflict is the very essence of life.

If it's mentionable, it's manageable.

Victory needs conflict as its preface.

Woman is also the element of conflict.

Don't jump on a man unless he is down.

Don't fear conflict, fear the silence.

For me, all drama is based on conflict.

Conflict begins at the moment of birth.

Iraq has no history of ethnic conflict.

Comedy comes from conflict, from hatred.

Words began fights and words ended them.

Competition doesn't have to be conflict.

Any kind of conflict draws me to a role.

Tell me again how much you agree with me.

I don't like to get involved in conflict.

You cannot have victory without conflict.

Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.

Today everything's a conflict of interest.

Good drama is all about creating conflict.

In great teams conflict becomes productive.

Father said conflict develops the character

Conflict is the beginning of consciousness.

Conflict and callous politics drive famine.

Communism is in conflict with human nature.

The greatest cunning is to have none at all.

All wars are boyish, and are fought by boys.

If you are going to bluff, make it a big one.

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