Class is material consumed.

My life is consumed by racing.

The mainstream consumed our culture.

My life is very much consumed with work.

A lot of my day is consumed with how I look.

I'm not consumed with political machinations.

I consumed Spielberg movies when I was little.

When I had a baby, I was consumed with my body.

We believe we are the consumers, but we are the consumed.

Any cupcake consumed before 9AM is, technically, a muffin.

I've always been just kind of consumed by my own thoughts.

No matter how much you consumed, you would not have your fill.

Basically, my life was music, and I was always consumed by it.

I've played many characters that have consumed me and owned me.

I wish I were stronger in areas. Not so consumed or distracted.

The Cold War was wildly expensive and consumed the entire globe.

People tend to be consumed by sport when the big events come up.

He is just protective over me-” “Not protective, Tania. Consumed.

When I go to see theater, I'm consumed with professional jealousy.

If there is nothing else there is this: to be inundated, consumed.

Most actors and actresses are consumed by careers and getting ahead.

I worked very hard playing Arjun, and I was consumed by the character.

I guess the bottom line is I don't make music that is consumed en masse.

Horsemeat in many European and Asian countries is consumed as a delicacy.

Social media has revolutionised how beauty is curated, captured, and consumed.

The Government cannot just be consumed by Brexit. There is so much more to do.

As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion.

I've built my career around my life instead of being consumed by the fame monster.

I've always been consumed by things that are out of this world, like space and moons.

Basketball has consumed me since the age of 7 or 8. I don't know what I would do without it.

Most works of art, like most wines, ought to be consumed in the district of their fabrication.

I cannot allow state government to continue to be consumed by this game of political 'gotcha.'

I have consumed so many Weisinger-era Superman comics that they ooze back out through my pores!

I'm consumed with what I didn't do. I know I should've come out sooner, and I'm sorry for that.

You get onto the stage; you can shout and express yourself. Your negative energy gets consumed.

I was busy in making a film called 'Buddha in a Traffic Jam' and it consumed two and half years.

I think people become consumed with selling a book when they need to be consumed with writing it.

They continued but six days under this course, having consumed the quantities that could be spared.

I hate to mention age, but I come from an era when we weren't consumed by technology and television.

There are a lot of eating disorders in our sport, so I try very hard not to get consumed by all that.

There is already too much truth in the world - an overproduction which apparently cannot be consumed!

Everything that creates itself upon the backs of smaller scales will by those same scales be consumed.

Silver is used in the electronics industry and is consumed daily; stock piles of silver are dwindling.

I've been through so much of my own self-search that I'm not as consumed with who I am as I used to be.

What a couple. I'm consumed into ashes. And he's always raking up the ashes and setting them on fire again.

I'm almost positive I have some type of PTSD. Almost a decade of my life was consumed by the prison system.

Geographically, Ireland is a medium-sized rural island that is slowly but steadily being consumed by sheep.

Whenever there is a challenge, the key is not to get consumed by the challenge but actually to learn from it.

I'm terrible at speaking extemporaneously about my work - I get completely tongue-tied and consumed with fear.

As a child, I was consumed with a near-obsessive curiosity about what the world felt like for other creatures.

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