The world needs actual excitement and emotion more than it needs cool people.

It's pretty cool to see the people I'm reaching throughout the entire world. It's special.

It's really cool. I don't know how many people in the world have a silver medal. Maybe a thousand?

Barcelona is one of my favourite cities in the world. The fashion and people are just so effortlessly cool.

I can go to all these cool places around the world, but when we land at YYZ, I'm like, 'Yes! It's flat. It's concrete. I'm okay with this; my people are here.'

A lot of people are focused on taking over the world or doing the biggest thing and getting the most users. I think part of making a difference and doing something cool is focusing intensely.

I have the greatest fans. I have fans that come from soap opera world. I have fans that come from superhero world, which are a whole different section of fans. They're so cool. When people are fanatical about something, it's contagious.

Because the cool thing about media and the online world nowadays is that anyone can do it. Whereas I think through traditional media, if you have something that you want to create, you have to know the right people and get a little bit lucky as well.

Who were the biggest acts in the world in 1987? Guns N' Roses and Metallica. I shamelessly pandered to surfers and skateboarders, and in pictures from then, you'll see Slash and those guys wearing N.W.A stuff. If they thought it was cool, people in Kansas and Wyoming would buy it. That's how we broached the subject.

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