I'm a fan of Bradley Cooper's.

Chris Cooper I got to work with many times.

I want to be like Bradley Cooper when I grow up.

I'm just as much into Emperor as I am Alice Cooper.

I think they are grooming me as another Gary Cooper.

I like Fox, but I also like Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.

I hate golf! I still can't believe Alice Cooper plays golf!

My dream job is to be the Robin to Anderson Cooper's Batman.

I didn't have a particular persona. I'm not Alice Cooper, you know?

Chuck Cooper is a friend, and I adore him. He can do so many things.

The first thing I ever saw Bradley Cooper in was 'Wedding Crashers.'

I am now reading Cooper's Naval History which I find very interesting.

I seldom ever missed a Gary Cooper picture if I could manage to see it.

In the end, I want to spend my 60s writing bonkbusters like Jilly Cooper.

Anderson Cooper every night dreams about getting my job permanently really.

Fonda and Gary Cooper had the best sense of timing of all the actors I knew.

My first car was a 2011 Mini Cooper, because I only learned to drive in 2010.

There was a period of time when I thought I had to be Alice Cooper all the time.

I loved watching Cynthia Cooper growing up when she played for the Houston Comets.

The actors I admired were Bogart, Cagney, Cooper, Tracy. Great personalities. Real stars.

I read Jilly Cooper when I was on the verge of just growing up and I was becoming a woman.

Ever since I first came here in 1963 to fight Henry Cooper, I have loved the people of England.

I'm a news junkie. Anderson Cooper, I watch him every night. I watch Piers Morgan a lot as well.

You have a lot of time on these tours. As Alice Cooper said, you can either drink all day or golf.

Chris Cooper is one of my favorite actors in the world. I've seen him in most everything he's done.

I've watched people in these movies like Bradley Cooper in 'Yes Man' become these giant stars themselves.

In the days of Gary Cooper, James Stewart etc, film stars personified the better aspects of human nature.

I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid. I grew up in Houston. Gordo Cooper was my favorite astronaut.

My wife, Ashley, is a West Texan, a graduate of Abilene Cooper Public High School and the University of Texas.

I met The Beatles and Stones at the same time, because Michael Cooper was doing several of their album covers.

My old drama coach used to say, 'Don't just do something, stand there.' Gary Cooper wasn't afraid to do nothing.

My friend Anderson Cooper is the scion of one of America's great shipping and railroad families, the Vanderbilts.

Cooper and Peyton really competed a lot, they fought a lot. But Eli was so much younger. He's the little brother.

I played Winnie Cooper on 'The Wonder Years' from ages 12-18, and did a few other movies during some of the summers.

When it comes to the stage, I can't help but be inspired by people like George Clinton, Elton John and Alice Cooper.

You walk in and he's an A-list actor, so you're like, 'Oh my gosh it's Bradley Cooper! Let me make sure my wig's on right!'

I love CeeDee Lamb coming out of the draft. I just really did. And Amari Cooper is one of the best one-on-one route runners.

Three of my heroes that have gotten clean and sober that I got to ask for advice were Alice Cooper, Nikki Sixx and Zakk Wylde.

If you don't watch 'The Young Turks,' you don't know me at all. Whereas no one watches Anderson Cooper, but everyone knows him.

I was on Facebook. I'm not anymore, but my sister always sends pictures to a page. I'm sure you can find a Bradley Cooper there.

I do read on holiday, but it tends to be very lowbrow. I'm into really camp biographies, and I'm a shameless fan of Jilly Cooper.

Performers like Tommy Cooper, who are always getting things wrong, are much more endearing than comedians who are sassy and smart.

I have so many man crushes - 'my brother' Tom Hardy, Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper - if he's here today, I might get a bit squealish.

I often mention Alice Cooper. I don't wanna sound like Alice Cooper or be confused with him at all, and I certainly don't think we are.

That's where I got my passion for the game, watching the WNBA on TV. Cynthia Cooper, Raise the Roof, We Got Next, I was into all of it.

I'm not into dragon chasing - trying to become Bradley Cooper. I want to be a New York actor. I want to plant a flag in this community.

I want people to watch us and think, 'They're idiots. They're clowns,' I want them to watch us and think Tommy Cooper or Spike Milligan.

Bradley Cooper was amazing as a director. Like you hope the director is nice, you hope they are cool, and he was at the top of the list.

There's no way to measure or properly express what a family like mine can mean. Mom, Dad, Cooper, Eli, extended family, you are the best.

When I was a teenager in the '70s, I was really into those great bands like Led Zeppelin and Queen and Jethro Tull, Deep Purple, Alice Cooper.

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