Reason can be used only when looking critically back.

Presidents need to be critically studied and analyzed.

Women standing up for each other is critically important.

And you can't really cover people critically that you're friends with.

How do I respond to criticism? Critically. I listen to all criticism critically.

We are critically dependent on the Internet, and it's ingrained in our way of life.

A broad base of knowledge is critically important to our ability to investigate terrorism.

Bejart is almost never performed in New York City; critically, he just gets attacked here.

I always consider myself as good as my last film. I tend to analyse my work very critically.

My music asks people to think critically, so how can I get upset when people think about me critically?

A lot of the films I do go down brilliantly critically and win awards, but not a lot of people see them.

The Americans have taken the course of confrontation and do not assess their own steps critically at all.

So, my advice to young scientists is, think critically about your work; probably don't blab unnecessarily.

America's founders knew the importance of allowing the people to speak critically about government actions.

It seems that Argentina is incapable of looking critically at its tragic military adventure in the Falklands.

Experience shows that the success of a programming course critically depends on the choice of these examples.

My parents taught me to approach the world critically, but also to approach it with a sense of responsibility.

After acting in a critically acclaimed film like 'Kaaka Muttai,' I didn't get any offers for more than a year.

It's critically important to have family around me, and some of my happiest moments are when I'm just with my family.

As an actress, I am happy that people are offering me good roles and I am earning success critically and commercially.

I cannot watch my performance as an audience because whenever I watch anything that I am a part of, I watch critically.

I'd like Muslims to look at their religion as a set of beliefs that they can appraise critically and pick and choose from.

I've never felt completely satisfied with what I've done. I tend to see things too critically. I'm trying to get over that.

Stability in law - particularly constitutional law - is critically important; the Supreme Court would do well to remember that.

The individual dynamics going on within a venture fund are critically important to you. Unfortunately, they're also very opaque.

I've been as critically rubbished as acclaimed and the worst thing about that is that it usually plays into your own self-criticism.

It's critically important for Europe to have a different way to think about the role of agriculture in society and the economy here.

Scores of African-Americans have written both appreciatively and critically about what 'The Cosby Show' meant to them over the years.

When actors do anti-hero roles, they are critically acclaimed. When heroines do negative roles, they are sidelined from the industry.

The water issue is critically related to climate change. People say that carbon is the currency of climate change. Water is the teeth.

It's hard to get to the right position, to be somebody who is commercially successful and critically acclaimed. That's the sweet spot.

I know from personal experience just how critically important the work of LifeSite is - not just to me but the whole pro-life movement!

In general, I agree with Socrates that what democracies badly need is the examined life, and we need to think critically about ourselves.

There's a really high emphasis on having good taste in my household and having nuanced opinions. We're always critically analyzing stuff.

I think most Americans understand that we went through a period in which American leadership was judged quite critically internationally.

When you're writing criticism or thinking critically, to draw a very limited minor conclusion from solid evidence is really not thinking.

Pell Grants are, and have been, critically important tools in making higher education a possibility for lower- and middle-income students.

Both 'Oz' and 'Homicide,' they're critically admired, so it's not like they're really neglected, but I wish they'd found bigger audiences.

Singing is my dream and, while it may have not been a commercial success, critically I was thrilled with the reception my first album got.

Coppice management depends upon the chosen tree being cut when the shoots are straight, vigorous and, critically, not shading out new growth.

I was brought up in a home environment where I was taught to think critically and was encouraged to seek answers to questions about my faith.

My dad has always been vocal about critically appreciating me. If I have done a bad job, he will definitely try to correct me with his inputs.

When I was 12, I played Dorothy in my community theatre production of 'The Wizard of Oz,' and it was very critically hailed by my school paper!

Students need to learn how to think critically, how to argue opposing ideas. It is important for them to learn how to think. You can always cook.

When I came to the West, I saw many, many things for the first time. But I also saw the prosperity of the West critically. It wasn't really Heaven.

As citizens of a free society, we have a duty to look critically at our world. But if we think we know what is wrong, we must act upon that knowledge.

I would say critically of myself that I am somebody without secrets. Sometimes acting depends on you having a secret. I don't think I've ever had that.

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.

Jobs are critically important, but looking at economic change through the impact on jobs has always been a difficult way to think about economic progress.

I always find myself very distrustful of intense crowd phenomena, and I think those are things that we should always try to question, especially critically.

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