When you crop the photo, you tell a lie.

The heavier crop is ever in others' fields.

Corn is a greedy crop, as farmers will tell you.

If I had more confidence, I would rock a crop top.

I'm in the position to pick the cream of the crop.

I love Topshop and live in its crop tops and jackets.

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a beautiful crop.

I always liked crop tops after I saw it on 'Fresh Prince.'

I'm a die-hard lover of high-waisted skirts with crop tops.

I like twinsets, and I'm famous for always wearing crop tops.

Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.

Potential is like a summer crop. If it don't rain, it don't grow.

I raise corn and cattle and soybeans. Soybeans are a good cash crop.

Every new generation is a new crop that needs to be harvested for God.

Drones watch for disease and collect real-time data on crop health and yields.

To destroy a standing crop goes against the soundest instincts of human nature.

On my days off, I love denim cut off shorts with gladiator sandals and crop tops.

If the rain spoils our picnic, but saves a farmer's crop, who are we to say it shouldn't rain?

Science consistently produces a new crop of miraculous truths and dazzling devices every year.

Crop tops with high waist skirts and palazzos with a lot of glitter have a very party vibe to it.

Barley, where it succeeds, yields a larger weight of feed per acre than any other small grain crop.

I love crop tops and love the way Taylor Swift teams them. Her style is relaxed; I can relate to it.

Having grown up on a family farm, I am all too familiar with the effects a drought can have on a crop.

It's very hard to teach someone how to write a song if to begin with there's no creative crop to harvest.

One thing Kid Cudi did that I always wanted to do was the crop top, but I need to get in shape if I want to do that.

I believe crop tops can be worn with literally anything, but I think it'd be really cool to pair them with track pants.

Do we really want to continue to push out the envelope of survival only to see other things crop up that we may not like?

Two out of every five people on Earth today owe their lives to the higher crop outputs that fertilizer has made possible.

We went from crop to crop, field to field. And my father had that army truck, a 1940s army truck from Fort Bliss, El Paso.

Farming is the riskiest profession in the world since the fate of the crop is closely linked to the behaviour of the monsoon.

I'll wear a crop top if I'm not loving my stomach because it kind of forces me to pay attention to it and to love it, really.

Onstage, I channel my inner goddess. Everyday Jillian is definitely more low-key: jeans and a crop top with a sneaker or boot.

Most of us spend the first six days of each week sowing wild oats; then we go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure.

Sexy in India is not considered positive. But, with today's crop of fresh faces in the modelling arena, being sexy is an asset.

If you have multiple events and don't want to spend a lot, I think a solid colour crop top can be used for many different looks.

So my go-tos are bodysuits, crop tops, I like to wear a cute little crop top, but then maybe a jazzy pant. I wear a lot of pants.

Nobody is suggesting climate change won't negatively impact crop yields. It could. But such declines should be put in perspective.

We have to get out of the mindset that, 'If I invest $1 in crop insurance, I want to make sure I get a $1.10 or plus out of that.'

I know it may sound silly, but I think my short stories have a life and identity of their own. They crop up in all sorts of places.

Sometimes sugarcane takes about 15 months to grow, and hence it is inappropriate to ask farmers to pay their crop loans in 12 months.

The goal of any farmer, after producing enough to feed his own family, has always been to find the best place to sell the year's crop.

Crop insurance should be a policy that keeps people from going broke, to make sure they can farm next year, but not to make them rich.

Hybrids have become an important method for improving productivity or yield in many crops including the self-pollinated crop like rice.

Strong, smart, self-reliant women who don't need men to define them only crop up in the human myth-base in one guise - the Wicked Witch.

I look up to Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn and old styles. You will never see me in a crop top and hot pants - I'm more into dresses.

Not only does the summer bring warm weather and tons of summer activities, but it also yields a fresh crop of increasingly useful avocados!

By furthering the use of ethanol, farmers are presented with the opportunity to produce a cash crop by collecting their agricultural wastes.

You know what makes me feel old? When I see girls who are 20-something, or the new crop of actresses, and think, Aren't we kind of the same age?

That's one of the great things about poetry; one realises that one does one's little turn - that you're just part of the great crop, as it were.

I was raised - my mom and dad were dairy farmers. Once you've made a decision to plant a crop for that year, you can't go back and undo that decision.

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