Fingers crossed, you'll hear a lot more of me.

It never even crossed my mind I wouldn't go to college.

I've crossed many cultural and gender barriers as a woman.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good roles to come my way.

The young are so old, they are born with their fingers crossed.

Don't taunt the alligator until after you've crossed the creek.

Acting never crossed my mind for a moment when I was growing up.

Never insult an alligator until after you have crossed the river.

I hope to be a writer and musician my whole life, fingers crossed.

As a young, ambitious novelist, writing for kids never crossed my mind.

I've crossed adulthood, and I feel like lots of people are fighting that.

Something's like crossed over in me and I can't go back. I couldn't live.

When he hung up on Nancy Reagan, that's when he crossed his final threshold.

The rogue states have to be told that there are lines that cannot be crossed.

President Trump has often crossed the line of what constitutes decent behavior.

Next to being married, a girl likes to be crossed in love a little now and then.

If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve man, but deteriorate the cat.

Of course I'm a big fan of Migos and we crossed paths on the road a bunch of times.

I never made movies that had any of my music. I haven't crossed them over that much.

Going to America is the best prize, so fingers crossed it will work out on Broadway.

No one would have crossed the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship in the storm.

If I had some idea of a finish line, don't you think I would have crossed it years ago?

People have crossed the Himalayas in flip-flops seeking a blessing from the Dalai Lama.

People say I stole a lot of bases. I stole the bases for a reason. I crossed the plate.

What I have crossed out I didn't like. What I haven't crossed out I'm dissatisfied with.

Country has just crossed so many lines now, that Skynyrd falls right into that category.

For some reason, it never crossed any mind in this administration to ask for the money back.

It's funny. Of all the jobs I've been ambitious for, this is one that never crossed my mind.

I've been sexy for a while. Ever since I crossed 30, women have started taking me seriously.

If I'd had some set idea of a finish line, don't you think I would have crossed it years ago?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping everyone loves what I do and loves what's on screen.

If a queen bee were crossed with a Friesian bull, would not the land flow with milk and honey?

Me being in a managerial position has never crossed my mind. Even in the twilight of my career.

Every time I've crossed to a new level of film acting, the film has been a breakthrough project.

It's a trip but it hasn't crossed over to the point where women are throwing their panties at me.

Michael was a type of person the whole family went behind who crossed all borders with his music.

It never crossed my mind that one day I'm gonna be big and famous and have my own TV show, you know?

There's a fine line between physical and thug ball, and the Knicks have crossed the line on occasion.

It had never crossed my mind that a man could think he had the right to stop me from being who I was.

There was one director who crossed the line. I scolded him so much that he later never tried anything.

I'm just back in line with every other actor looking for a job right now and keeping my fingers crossed.

As I get older, I start to look back at the field that I've crossed and realize that it was a mine field.

I just don't think many people would have crossed the street to hear me doing a hip hop-influenced album!

After a few games I knew I was going to be able to compete. The idea of being a star never crossed my mind.

Before I had crossed the threshold of my church I was made to realize that I was shepherd of a divided flock.

When you look back at your own story, you may find out that not every 't' was crossed and every 'i' was dotted.

Indian food has crossed boundaries but we have not been able to tell the world that it is best enjoyed with hands.

I put everything in that last lap, it was very emotional when I crossed the line. It was all I had, I gave it all.

I've crossed paths with so many different people from all walks of life. Any situation you put me in, I can manage.

Leaving Madrid has never crossed my mind, I trust myself more than any other person and there is no reason to leave.

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