Sometimes I just cry at random stuff!

She doesn't feel like crying anymore.

Every woman is wrong until she cries.

I cry in movies a lot, and over books.

All religions begin with the cry Help.

'Beloved' is a book that makes me cry.

Don't shed no tears, no woman, no cry.

What is so real as the cry of a child?

Every obnoxious act is a cry for help.

When they remain silent, they cry out.

It's no use crying over spilt summits.

'The Notebook' made me cry! It got me.

I cry all the time. Music makes me cry.

They say crying makes the heart lighter

I had grown men cry. I mean, literally.

Don't Cry Darling, It's Blood All Right

There is a certain pleasure in weeping.

I cry at films and TV and even adverts.

The hawk's cry is as sharp as its beak.

Earth helped him with the cry of blood.

The cry of equality pulls everyone down.

Those who suffer most cry out the least.

Cries for help are frequently inaudible.

I like to have a good cry at a sad film.

Everybody hurts sometimes Everybody cries

It's OK to let your children see you cry.

Laugh at love and love will make you cry.

I was a great many far cries from myself.

I'd cry, if only I had the time to do it. was more like bleeding than crying.

If it makes you cry, it goes in the show.

Anything that makes your mother cry is fun

Let's all cry peace, freedom, and liberty!

I'm sixty-eight, I cry every chance I can.

More! More! is the cry of a mistaken soul.

It's better to make people laugh than cry.

Crying is really bad for your vocal cords.

There is no dignity in a crying toothpick.

I like the way men cry. They're efficient.

Stay. Fight. Live. Take it. Cry. Cry. Cry.

A band that cries together stays together.

the windy sky Cries out a literate despair.

I've got songs that'll make a gangster cry.

I search but never find, hurt but never cry

I am not crying, but have tears in my heart.

I cry out for order and find it only in art.

Make 'em laugh; make 'em cry; make 'em wait.

I can cry all day long - that's easy for me.

Getting a tattoo would probably make me cry.

I used to stand in front of the mic and cry.

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