It's okay to cry. There's no reason to hold back.

It's much easier to make people cry than to laugh.

Chin up, don’t smile, don’t cry, don’t fall, walk.

To make me cry you've got to hit me with a 2-by-4.

I'm an emotional gangster. I cry once every month.

The only person I'd cry if I met would be Beyonce.

Because of you, I'm running out of reasons to cry.

Tell the people not to cry. Tell them to be happy.

It's pointless to cry. One is born and dies alone.

I want to make her cry and then lick up the tears.

Nobody needs to cry for me. I'm going to be great.

I'm sorry I'm crying again on national television.

A creature that never cries over spilt milk: a cat.

I love winners when they cry, losers when they try.

I think I cry when I'm angry. I let it go that way.

I like the shaman very much, the way he was crying.

A friend worth your tears, will never make you cry.

We can cry for years but sometimes gotta smile too.

I once tried playing baseball but I started crying.

War, war is still the cry,-"war even to the knife!"

I was born singing. Most babies cry, I sang an aria.

I never wear mascara; I laugh until I cry too often.

Without further warning, the sky opens up and cries.

I'm not cynical. I cry at 'ET.' And 'Kung Fu Panda!'

When a Spanish man cries it's not a sign of weakness

Laughing and crying, you know it's the same release.

I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.

If the writer does not cry, the reader does not cry.

I knew how to die. It was the living that scared me.

When a stargirl cries, she sheds not tears but light.

It's useless to send models out on the runway to cry.

...her cry is a hook and it catches me in the throat.

Men cry because things are not what they ought to be.

Anybody else wanna pee their pants and cry for mommy?

I like being nostalgic and maybe crying a little bit.

If I ever loose my eyes, I won't have to cry no more.

Happy endings always made her cry. It was the relief.

You know you're in trouble, when the bartender cries.

I'm a sucker for a man who cries. It just gets to me.

I'll cry at the end of the day, not with fresh makeup.

I come from a mother who can cry at a G.E. commercial.

You have to stay hydrated when you have crying scenes.

I used music as therapy and embraced being a cry baby.

How dry eyes can get when they are not allowed to cry!

If you want to cry, you're not going to like my books.

There’s nothing better than an elegant cry of despair.

You know what makes me teary? Goya. Goya makes me cry.

I'm a really emotional person so I cry for everything.

If you want to see me cry, just come to a photo shoot.

Every time I race, I will race so fiercely my legs cry.

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