Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

If you didn't laugh at Jared Fogle, then you would cry.

I've seen 'Transformers' seven times. I cry every time.

Wisdom cries out in the streets, and no man regards it.

The cry for peace will increase according to scripture.

No more crying. It's all wetness and no comfort at all.

No sir, I don't know why, but my eyes don't cry no more.

Beware of making a woman cry. God is counting her tears.

The masses of the people of Africa are crying for unity.

Don't cry over spilled milk-- get angry and punch a cow.

If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that’s a full day.

I have always enjoyed watching my songs make people cry.

Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries, See the Furies arise!

No one's ever going to shag you if you cry all the time.

I quickly laugh at everything for fear of having to cry.

Anything where people have to work together makes me cry.

I want people to be ecstatic but to cry at the same time.

I never cry about what I don't have. I'm always positive.

3. When he smiles at you, sometimes you feel like crying.

When satan wants you to cry and you laugh, you defeat him

I'm supposed to make people cry, but not by manipulating.

How to throw assassins off balance: cry in front of them.

O beauty, are you not enough; why am I crying after love.

Paintings can make you cry and it's just **colored dirt**.

I've also been known to cry during MasterCard commercials.

There is something in the soul that cries out for freedom.

Our laugh is a torment and our cry is a joy for the Satan!

I know now why you cry, but it's something I can never do.

Don't cry Don't raise your eye Its only teenage wasteland.

The cry of my body for completeness. That is a cry to you.

The Kesha Lyrics to hit song 'Tik Tok' are a cry for help.

I hear a sudden cry of pain! There is a rabbit in a snare.

When a girl cries, few things are more worthless than a boy

Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone.

I've always noticed that girls cry way easier than guys do.

We are born crying, live complaining, and die disappointed.

If I told you the tragedy parts, we'd all sit here and cry.

Dancing is an important function of music, but so is crying.

If one day speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling.

Well it's all right to cry. It helps a great deal sometimes.

I'm Latin, for crying out loud - I can't hold anything back!

I've cried a lot because of women. I cry a lot, as a person.

You know the bank I used to cry all the way to. I bought it.

'Ted' made me nearly cry. It's kind of like 'Marley and Me.'

Even though I felt like crying, I did my very best to smile.

We live in a world that is crying out for better leadership.

Nothing in the cry of cicadas suggests they are about to die

I don’t cry when I lose. There’s always a new hand coming up.

Angelina Jolie seems like she cries a lot, which puts me off.

Love taught me to cry So come on courage! Teach me to be shy.

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