Bad laws make bad customs.

Habit had made the custom.

Custom is the law of fools.

Custom alone regulates morals.

Laws are subordinate to custom.

Custom makes monsters of us all.

Custom is almost a second nature.

Custom does often reason overrule.

Experience is the mother of custom.

Nice customs curtsy to great kings.

Custom adapts itself to expediency.

Custom reconciles us to everything.

The empire of custom is most mighty.

Custom determines what is agreeable.

The breach of custom Is breach of all.

Custom without truth is error grown old.

A deep meaning often lies in old customs.

The adulterer dies. An old custom, justice.

Customs represent the experience of mankind.

It is not the custom of kings to kill kings.

Nature is seldom in the wrong, custom always.

Change often makes accepted customs into crimes.

Custom is a second nature, and no less powerful.

Custom is the principle magistrate of man's life.

America's parenting customs can shock foreigners.

Custom and authority are no sure evidence of truth.

Nature her custom holds, Let shame say what it will.

The universality of a custom is pledge of its worth.

Elaborate burial customs are a sure sign of decadence.

What is philosophy but a continual battle against custom?

It takes far more courage to violate a custom than a law.

What are our natural principles but principles of custom?

The Roman state stands by ancient customs, and its manhood.

The customs and practices of life in society sweep us along.

Never can custom conquer nature, for she is ever unconquered.

Custom, that is before all law; Nature, that is above all art.

I don't like people who take drugs... Customs men for example.

How many things both just and unjust are sanctioned by custom?

He who does anything because it is the custom, makes no choice.

Custom has furnished the only basis which ethics have ever had.

Civilization is a network and a maze of precedences and custom.

Our customs, behaviors, and values are byproducts of our culture.

Custom, madam, is the law of fools, but it shall never govern me.

Absurdities are great or small in proportion to custom or insuetude.

I think a platform such as YouTube has to respect local laws and customs.

Great things astonish us, and small dishearten us. Custom makes both familiar.

Times change: it was once the custom to take a bath weekly and religion daily.

There is no tyrant like custom, and no freedom where its edicts are not resisted.

It has been my custom for many years to read the Bible in its entirety once a year

The laws of conscience, though we ascribe them to nature, actually come from custom.

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