Recovery begins from the darkest moment.

I think in the darkest moments, we need a break.

In the time of darkest defeat, victory may be nearest.

There's a fine line between comedy and the darkest place ever.

Sometimes you find your strongest faith in the darkest corners.

Even in my darkest times I knew I had a good future ahead of me.

1967 was the bleakest, darkest, most emotional period of my life.

The darkest day, if you live till tomorrow, will have passed away.

Newman's second law: Just when things look darkest, they go black.

Our darkest angels in Europe are always somewhere under the surface.

The prolonged slavery of women is the darkest page in human history.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Harassment is one of puberty's darkest, most unreported rites of passage.

Even in the darkest regions, people have discovered their right of freedom.

Even in your darkest moments, you'll think of something that'll crack you up.

In politics, as in poetry, it is sometimes true that it is darkest before dawn.

I've had many ups and downs before, and I think it's always darkest before dawn.

I'm not really that comfortable, to be honest, singing about my darkest moments.

Some of the greatest blues music is some of the darkest music you've ever heard.

To me, the coolest, shiniest, sexiest, darkest, scariest thing you can be is pop.

In the darkest of times, the most fulfilling thing in the world is finding the light.

One of the darkest evils of our world is surely the unteachable wildness of the Good.

Sometimes, people do the darkest acts in the name of helping protect their loved ones.

When my daughter was ill in Great Ormond Street, it was the darkest period of my life.

For me, the brightest years at IronPort were without a doubt the darkest years at home.

I think that my darkest moment was the Iraq war and the fact that we could not stop it.

There is something in even the darkest situations that we can make a positive in our lives.

In your darkest moments of despair, a friend's hand on yours will get you through the worst.

I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.

A lot of times, losing a fight is tough. In your darkest hours, I guess your true colors show.

Talking about my deepest and darkest secrets to the world makes me feel better. It's cathartic.

I think, in our darkest moments, you have to find the humor, and you have to find the lightness.

The Freedom Flag is a powerful, physical reminder of one of the darkest days in American history.

In Las Vegas, you confront yourself with your darkest desires, because they're all possible there.

Those years when Poland was occupied by the Nazis was one of the darkest time in Poland's history.

The darkest hour in any man's life is when he sits down to plan how to get money without earning it.

My music had roots which I'd dug up from my own childhood, musical roots buried in the darkest soil.

'The Clone Wars' is certainly set in the darkest possible time throughout the whole 'Star Wars' story.

I have to believe there's redemption in the darkest of circumstances; otherwise it's too bleak for me.

'The Darkest Minds' came from a period in my life where I felt my most powerless, when I was a teenager.

You get to choose the bond of lifelong friendships, of being there for the darkest and happiest of times.

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.

Am I now supposed to go on Oprah and cry and tell you my deepest, darkest secrets because you want to know?

In my darkest moments, I have not eaten an entire pie, but I have turned to other baked goods to find solace.

I think that Ionesco's greatest weapon is that he's able to make us laugh at the darkest corners of our souls.

I think there comes a time in every persons life where they just need to go to the darkest, most dismal place.

I like to feel the burn of the audience's eyes when I'm whispering all my darkest secrets into the microphone.

You see in moments of duress not only the darkest parts of human nature but also the brightest, the most noble.

When you look at the darkest areas in space, you feel that there's something out there that we don't know about.

We must believe that it is the darkest before the dawn of a beautiful new world. We will see it when we believe it.

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