Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate ...

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is ...

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.

Art is a ripening, an evolution, an uplifting which enables us to ...

Art is a ripening, an evolution, an uplifting which enables us to emerge from darkness into a blaze of light.

People are like stained - glass windows. They sparkle and shine when ...

People are like stained - glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.

He that shuts love out, in turn shall be Shut out from love, and on ...

He that shuts love out, in turn shall be Shut out from love, and on her threshold lie, Howling in outer darkness.

I love lying in darkness.

Jump or stay in the boat.

Darkness feeds on apathy.

Darkness promotes speech.

Darkness is so predictable.

Dark with excessive bright.

Weep, for the light is dead.

Hope lights up our darkness.

All beauty contains darkness.

All cats are grey in the dark.

The darkness is my birthright.

Darkness is dawn not yet born.

Let me into the darkness again.

How can I express the darkness?

After darkness comes the light.

We move between two darknesses.

The darkness has it's own light.

A beam in darkness: let it grow.

Darkness at Blacklands is scary.

Darkness is only light's absence.

There is darkness in every heart.

Light refused increases darkness.

Man dies of cold, not of darkness.

Out of darkness is born the light.

Burn brightly without burning out.

We're all dancing in the darkness.

Jon passes from Darkness to Light.

The blackness of darkness, forever.

God made nightButMan made darkness.

I was the owner of my own darkness.

Stars can't shine without darkness.

What darkness to you is light to me

Can the darkness condemn the light?

There is no darkness but ignorance.

Loneliness is a darkness of the soul

Oh darkness, I feel like letting go.

It's always darkness before the dawn.

Slavery is the offspring of darkness.

Despotism can only exist in darkness.

Darkness bound them closer than light.

Colour itself is a degree of darkness.

The prince of darkness is a gentleman!

The light is the left hand of darkness.

I wish I were a candle in the darkness.

Life is a winking light in the darkness.

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