Since 1989, we have been deploying on an average of every 18 months.

Basically I have a fleet of cleanup systems floating around, up to 50 that we plan on deploying.

While we are deploying troops in their thousands, we lose the chance to build up their basic skills.

If you want to hear arguments against deploying a big U.S. ground force in Syria, just ask a general.

From our earliest days, has been deploying technology to help strip the friction out of travel.

While encryption protects against cyberattacks, deploying it in warrant-proof form jeopardizes public safety more generally.

Most of the energy consumed is for heating, cooling, and transport. By massively deploying green gas, we could decarbonize all that.

CNN was one of the first news organizations in the world to train and equip its journalists before deploying them to dangerous areas.

As we've seen, deploying large armies abroad won't always be our best offense. Countries typically don't want foreign soldiers in their cities and towns.

I want the UK to be a global leader in developing and deploying technology, but I also want us to ensure that the benefits are fairly shared across society.

Entrepreneurs and innovators across the country are developing and deploying new data-powered IT tools to help clinicians succeed at delivering better care at lower cost.

Our farmers are constantly deploying conservation techniques that keep our environment strong - and it's time we made them a consistent part of our efforts to protect it.

Mindfulness means being aware of how you're deploying your attention and making decisions about it, and not letting the tweet or the buzzing of your BlackBerry call your attention.

I believe that the issue of mental health services for our troops deploying or returning from combat is one that demands the attention of this body, if only for a few minutes today.

Infrastructure is more than laying new roads and expanding transit: it's running the fiber and deploying new technologies for reliable, affordable Internet in every part of the state.

If you exclude your talent base from the benefits of hiring and deploying and making women successful, you're going to do less well than businesses that do a better job on that front.

I would like to promote the concept of a partnership of insurance companies, physicians and hospitals in deploying a basic framework for an electronic medical records system that is affordable.

AdNectar specializes in deploying branded virtual items across top social networking properties and applications. Virtual items are images sent to communicate a message between users of social media.

I was fortunate to have served in leadership positions throughout my entire service in the Army. I was in my first unit for two or three months before deploying to Desert Storm. I immediate knew I was in the right place.

Few incumbents will succeed in deploying blockchain applications to enable new business models. The innovator's dilemma will prevail. Even if they aspire to, they must first get their feet wet within their business boundaries.

Dynamic pricing - charging more when goods and services are in high demand and short supply and less when the opposite is true - isn't new. Gasoline retailers, hoteliers, and airlines have been deploying the technique for years.

I wish Rupert, Robert, and their hugely talented News Corp team continued and growing success in all they do, deploying News Corp's extraordinary skills and potential to the huge opportunities of a relentlessly more digital world.

More organizations than ever are conducting business online. An expanding digital footprint and increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks have created a growing urgency to secure that data and the resources organizations are deploying.

Red Carpet Enterprise has been really well received since one guy can install it in about an hour, and it makes it trivial to deal with software management issues like deploying updates and creating standard package sets for your various machines.

What I love about natural climate solutions is that we should be doing all these things anyway. Instead of making painful choices and deploying miserable means to a desirable end, we can defend ourselves from disaster by enhancing our world of wonders.

That's the way cultural change works in America: the rest of us discard a prejudice that the Right still clings to; in the fullness of time, the Right comes around, too, deploying clever rationalizations to forget they ever bore the prejudice in the first place.

The explosion of companies deploying wireless networks insecurely is creating vulnerabilities, as they think it's limited to the office - then they have Johnny Hacker in the parking lot with an 802.11 antenna using the network to send threatening emails to the president!

In our perform agenda, segmentation is one of our key strategic priorities. Segmentation is about deploying the right go-to-market channel to the right customers with the right pricing and the right cost to serve. And as a result, the segmentation strategy ensures that we generate profitable growth.

In 1979, just after I became governor, I asked Hillary to chair a rural health committee to help expand health care to isolated farm and mountain areas. They recommended to do that partly by deploying trained nurse practitioners in places with no doctors to provide primary care they were trained to provide.

The key thing is to invest in the future, and what that means is - when you're deploying technology or you're a technology business - is to make sure that you're keeping on the innovation cycle, where you're both creating and adopting the new business practices and the new techniques in order to drive your business the right way.

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