I was the head chef on the S.S. Diarrhea.

You're an island of reality in an ocean of diarrhea.

I can tell you, to me, Lady Gaga is Madonna with diarrhea.

We have to do whatever we can to ensure that no child dies of diarrhea.

When I learned Japanese, they say that I sounded like a Chinese with diarrhea!

Asking a sociologist to solve a problem is like prescribing an enema for diarrhea.

Unless people die from it, a little diarrhea isn't going to stop us from having our live fish.

I have lived most my life with chronic inflammation and constant pain with immediate diarrhea.

It is still just unbelievable to us that diarrhea is one of the leading causes of child deaths in the world.

You're going to have an upset stomach. If you eat spicy stiff because you're upset, then you'll get diarrhea.

Every year 3.1 million Indian children die before the age of 5, mostly from diseases of poverty like diarrhea.

I find the fact that more than 750,000 children still die every year around the world because of severe dehydration due to diarrhea unacceptable.

I get verbal diarrhea in the writers' room. I just tell everyone a million anecdotes and stories and craziness, and we all double up on the floor laughing.

Contaminated food is a major cause of diarrhea, substantially contributing to malnutrition and killing about 2.2 million people each year, most of them children.

The second stage set in ten or fifteen days after the bombing. Its first symptom was falling hair. Diarrhea and fever, which in some cases went as high as 106, came next.

Antibiotics have serious adverse reactions: diarrhea, anaphylaxis, allergies, rashes. We don't give these medications without discussing the risks and benefits and only when they're properly indicated.

You've probably been asked to care about things like HIV/AIDS or T.B. or measles, but diarrhea kills more children than all those three things put together. It's a very potent weapon of mass destruction.

Rotavirus does not cause all diarrhea, but it causes a lot of it. Instead of a single vaccine dose, however, harried nurses may have to give several, as diarrhoea makes it difficult for a child to retain anything.

Diarrhea, 90 percent of which is caused by food and water contaminated by excrement, kills a child every fifteen seconds. That's more than AIDS, malaria, or measles, combined. Human feces are an impressive weapon of mass destruction.

Of those who die from avoidable, poverty-related causes, nearly 10 million, according to UNICEF, are children under five. They die from diseases such as measles, diarrhea, and malaria that are easy and inexpensive to treat or prevent.

Many people who did not die right away came down with nausea, headache, diarrhea, malaise, and fever, which lasted several days. Doctors could not be certain whether some of these symptoms were the result of radiation or nervous shock.

Our bodies have a finely tuned, built-in detoxifying system: It's called our liver, and it can detoxify our bodies better than any cleanse or fast without the unpleasantness and danger of muscle cramps, dehydration, and diarrhea associated with artificial cleanses.

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