Publishing a book is a very different thing than writing one.

When you have celebrity, it's a whole different thing than being an artist.

To be sure a stepmother to a girl is a different thing to a second wife to a man!

I grew up around horses, but acting and riding on camera is a whole different thing.

I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't fun. It's just a whole different thing these days.

Making a pretty picture, an image, is a completely different thing from acting to camera.

I don't feel I have to charm somebody, I feel I want to know them; it's a different thing.

Performing in front of the camera is a different thing, and shooting a whole film is another.

Risk taking in business is one thing. Risk taking in your personal safety is a different thing.

Winning is a different thing, but even being nominated for an award like Filmfare is an honour.

The love of nature is a different thing from the love of science, though the two may go together.

There's such a fascination with celebrity. I think that's a very different thing to being an actor.

Every viewer is going to get a different thing. That's the thing about painting, photography, cinema.

I feel like people believe I'm thinking a different thing than I am because I have this look about me.

The IPL is a different ball game. Going there and playing in England against England is a different thing.

I'm not an artist that makes singles, I'm an artist that makes albums, and it's a totally different thing.

To make oneself an object, to make oneself passive, is a very different thing from being a passive object.

My father read poetry to me, encouraged me to memorize poems. But the writing of it was quite a different thing.

I believe in civil partnerships as it protects each partner. Whether I believe in marriage is a different thing.

It's a different thing shooting for 10 weeks in India as opposed to on a set on stage pretending you're in India.

I love directing scenes that I'm not in because suddenly I really feel like a filmmaker which is a different thing.

What I and other YouTubers do is a very different thing; it's almost like hanging around and watching your pal play games.

Production is a different thing. Being a Coach is different from actually getting on the field with a bat and playing upfront.

Everyone has something that they carry always, even if it's just as simple as, 'I hate myself.' Everyone's got a different thing.

When Peter Gabriel left, we obviously lost a very strong stage performer. Phil hasn't replaced him; Phil's done a different thing.

It's a different thing when you play on a team that has to win, that doesn't consider it a good year unless you win the championship.

I pride myself in being able to straddle demographics, and if that was said as Barney Stinson, it would mean a little different thing.

A lot of people these days are not music lovers - they just want to be famous which is a very different thing to what I grew up believing in.

In real life, you just work for the ordinary self, but in the front of audience you become the superself. That's a completely different thing.

Income inequality is one thing, but a permanent division into the haves and have-nots is an entirely different thing - and much less acceptable.

Man has the possibility of existence after death. But possibility is one thing and the realization of the possibility is quite a different thing.

Midwestern Jews is a different community, is a different thing than New York Jews, L.A. Jews. It's just different. It's the whole Midwestern thing.

It's refreshing to see plus women being treated as part of the fashion community as a whole and not just a separate piece or separate different thing.

The crossover wasn't happening. TV actors were TV actors, and film and stage actors were a whole different thing. And now there's just a lot of crossover.

There's so much more you can do with four bodies in the rules of a tag team match than two guys in a singles match. It's just a completely different thing.

One of the greatest things that Apple and Jobs were very good at doing was daring to do the very different thing. It's what I did with my cookbook, frankly.

It's one thing to play football in this league and make a living, but it's a totally different thing to come to a place with a rich tradition like the Bears.

My role in kung fu - in the art of kung fu, not the series - is not as a practitioner. My role is that of an evangelist, which is an entirely different thing.

Education never really interested me, to be fair. I mean, education does interest me, but academic school study is a different thing. I can't quite grasp that.

I'm an old, white-haired guy. If I'm not recognized, I'm treated pretty much like every other elderly. But if people recognize me, it's a whole different thing.

Lived religion is a very different thing from strict textual analysis. Very few people of any faith live their lives as literalist interpretations of scripture.

I wanted to write songs which I think is a different thing. I wanted to write music that is informed by folk music. The chord progressions are obvious references.

It's one thing to hear that someone likes your show; it's a completely different thing to have them come take their time and film something with you on a sidewalk.

I never said I'm unhappy about going to the ACC. I'm unhappy the Big East broke up. That's a completely different thing than saying I'm unhappy about going to the ACC.

The writing is all done, so it's all about verbalizing everything from point A to point B, and certainly there's a bit of politics involved, so it's a different thing.

It's great to want to be part of something, but it's a different thing completely to believe wholly in some type of movement, and to give everything for that something.

To say that man is a reasoning animal is a very different thing than to say that most of man's decisions are based on his rational process. That I don't believe at all.

There's always room for an operator like Airbnb, but it's quite a different thing to my serviced apartments. Airbnb is a different market - it has nothing to do with me.

Generosity during life is a very different thing from generosity in the hour of death; one proceeds from genuine liberality and benevolence, the other from pride or fear.

There has been far too much of journalists deciding they are on the side of something and going out to get the story, instead of truth seeking which is a different thing.

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