Dawn comes before sleep does.

Batista does look pretty mad.

Does my eye look okay to you?

And where does she find them?

Water does not force its way.

Love does not imply pacifism.

My baby does the hanky panky.

A habit does not a monk make.

Hate doesn't last. Love does.

Truth does not demand belief.

Men die but an idea does not.

Often does hatred hurt itself.

What does your heart tell you?

Fear Does Not Crown Champions.

This shed does not contain me.

When in Rome, do as Rome does.

My bank does not accept likes.

Freedom does not mean license.

Winning does solve everything.

The will for deed I doe accept.

What does everybody want? HEAD!

Fate does not seek our consent.

Fear has a smell, as love does.

How does one get bored of life?

Seeing does not always believe.

My, my. A body does get around.

Handsome is that handsome does.

White does not exist in nature.

What writing does is to reveal.

A country does not go bankrupt.

No man fails who does his best.

Eternity does nothing but give.

Time does not die; only people.

Belief does not change what is.

Necessity does everything well.

Man does not live by GNP alone.

Life does not forgive weakness.

Primitive does not mean stupid.

Our epoch does not love itself.

A real collector does not sell.

One mistake does not define you.

I don’t like goodbyes, NBC does.

"Time" does not mean "occasion."

Little by little does the trick.

The tree does not die, it waits.

Fage does not make great yogurt.

A good speaker does not stutter.

My God! Middle Earth does exist!

One does not question a miracle.

What does the vice president do?

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