Activity does not necessarily mean life.

Freedom does not guarantee masterpieces.

The universe does not care what we want.

The truth often does sound unconvincing.

Excellence does not begin in Washington.

The inner eye does not see upon command.

Women's football does have its knockers.

The ego does not want to be wrong, ever.

The healthy man does not torture others.

One does not marry art. One ravishes it.

Love wins. It does win. We know it wins.

Technology grows and so does loneliness.

(When asked what a director does) I help.

I mean does Israel want a third Intifada?

Ratings don't last. Good journalism does.

Form does not necessarily follow function

I am a vampire. Blood does not bother me.

Hiding spending does not reduce spending.

What does it say? Does he love you madly?

Dust does rise, doesn't it? And so can I.

Hope does not always require probability.

Kissing is something that everybody does!

Royalty does good and is badly spoken of.

A thing that has no value does not exist.

My painting does not come from the easel.

Why does she have wings?' So she can fly.

A good nail does not fear being hammered.

Georgia does not need Russia as an enemy.

One who does not fall, does not stand up.

I tell myself time heals. It really does.

Genius never desires what does not exist.

What business does memory have with time?

One does silly things when one is twelve.

What you do for a tree, God does for you.

Temptation out of reach does you no good.

Enjoyable does not necessarily mean easy.

He never gave up. And he does that for us

A little of what you fancy does you good.

There does, in fact, appear to be a plan.

God does not 'love' us without liking us.

When one door opens, so does another one.

We don't live forever... Our legacy does.

Every good servant does not all commands.

Internet does not equal sodium pentothal.

One swallow alone does not make a summer.

Wit does not take the place of knowledge.

Conscience reigns but it does not govern.

A hated government does not long survive.

A good death does honour to a whole life.

Luck does indeed favor the well prepared.

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