Being patient does not mean being silent.

Unhappiness does make people look stupid.

William Regal, what does besmirched mean?

It all comes down to who does the dishes.

Janie. Does not like. To be called. Buffy.

Wisest is she who knows she does not know.

One rarely does well what one rarely does.

The cat does not negotiate with the mouse.

Who does she think she is, Marilyn Monroe?

Every question does not deserve an answer.

If Honda does not race, there is no Honda.

What does not change is the will to change

A thing's innate disposition does not lie.

Pessimism does win us great happy moments.

An evil plan does mischief to the planner.

Money for me today does not really matter.

Believe in yourself when nobody else does.

The man who does ill, ill must suffer too.

He is rich enough who does not want bread.

Your choices run out when your money does.

Death cannot kill that which does not die.

Ramires is involved in everything he does.

Irony differentiates. Cynicism never does.

I have a dark side. I think everyone does.

The reaper does not listen to the harvest.

Geography does not define you - love does.

Freedom breeds freedom. Nothing else does.

When does the loneliness of old age begin?

Prayer does not change God; it changes me.

When a player gets to 30, so does his body

Honest speech does not seek secret places.

Passion does not compensate for ignorance.

Future comes by itself, progress does not.

No man does anything from a single motive.

Ignoring facts does not make them go away.

Art does not copy nature - it suggests it.

Home is really where education does begin.

A photograph has edges the world does not.

Leadership does not depend on being right.

Management does not know what a system is.

My courage does not depend on the weather.

Analysis does not transform consciousness.

A champion shows who he is by what he does.

Stress never feels as natural as peace does

True repentance does not permit repetition.

A delay does not solve the revenue problem.

The wise man does not grow old, but ripens.

My greatness does not extend to this shelf.

Every soil does not produce every material.

You haven't been bit till a dragon does it.

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