Go sit down and look pale.

I never back down and I never quit!

It's time to lie down and be counted.

Look up and down and round about you.!

Do anything, save to lie down and die!

I could never sit down and write jokes.

I'm gonna hunt my life down and grab it.

The best weapon is to sit down and talk.

I put the words down and push them a bit.

Lie down and listen to the crabgrass grow.

Nobody loves you when you're down and out.

Nancy Reagan fell down and broke her hair.

Will you come down and kiss me good night?

Just keep your head down and do your best.

I could happily lie down and die sometimes.

I can just put my head down and train hard.

I didn't work hard to sit down and not work.

We all need to slow down and go to acupuncture.

Don't let ups and downs leave you down and out.

Writing is easy. Just sit down and open a vein.

My children teach me to slow down and enjoy life.

Bowl of oatmeal tried to stare me down... and won.

Maybe I want to be tied down and forced to admit it

I just keep my head down and work hard on what I do.

How many times can a man go down and still be alive?

Flow down and down in always widening rings of being.

Finally, one just has to shut up, sit down, and write.

Come, dear children, let us away; Down and away below!

The quarterback must go down, and he must go down hard

Constant criticism can wear one down and weaken knees.

It's wonderful to be able to sit down and write a play.

I'm not going to lie down and let trouble walk over me.

Every seven years, I sit down and make a whole new plan.

Sometimes you have to get down and dirty. It feels good.

Sometimes people need to be told to sit down and shut up.

If I'm stuck, I'll sit down and read. That's a big thing.

McEnroe has got to sit down and work out where he stands.

An ample arse helps you to be weighed down and be grounded.

Pride looks down, and no one can see God but by looking up.

When I'm inspired, I jot things down and put them in a pile.

I screamed, and--lo!--Infinity Came down and settled over me

The sun machine is coming down, and we're gonna have a party.

Sin has a way of shrinking God down and puffing ourselves up.

When you are down and out, find something or someone to love.

Sit down and read. Educate yourself for the coming conflicts.

My only ritual is to just sit down and write, write every day.

But the ultimate lesson is just sit down and write. That's all.

A true New Yorker never backs down, and I'm no exception. Holla!

I love men who know when to put their foot down and when not to.

He loved her, free parts and labor. But she broke down and died.

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