Zimbabwe, once the breadbasket of Africa, is now its dust bowl.

But clay and clay differs in dignity, Whose dust is both alike.

The day I leave the power, inside my pockets will only be dust.

It would hurt. But we'll dust ourselves off and we'll come back.

Golden lads and girls all must as chimney sweepers come to dust.

We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust.

Stick a needle in your arm, you bite the dust, you buy the farm.

From dust thou art to dust returneth, was not spoken of the soul.

Ive decided to sell my Hoover… well, it was just collecting dust.

She was like a crinkled poppy; with the desire to drink dry dust.

If man is not the image of God, then he is a disease of the dust.

Once you have felt the Indian dust, you will never be free of it.

Dust to dust, ashes to ashes. Halleluiah amen, you are dismissed.

Illusion is the dust the devil throws in the eyes of the foolish.

I go home, and there's dust on everything because I'm never there.

Pulvis et umbra sumsu." ~ Horace, Odes ("We are dust and Shadows")

You are not worth the dust which the rude wind Blows in your face.

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.

I always knew I was a dust. But I never knew I was also a universe.

One must become as humble as the dust before he can discover truth.

I've got to pick myself up Dust myself off And start all over again.

Gently stroke your books, dear stranger, and remember they are dust.

You make beautiful things, You make beautiful things out of the dust

Cause I lit him on fire,” I shrugged and brushed dust from my pants.

Only the actions of the just, Smell sweet and blossom in their dust.

True lovers earn their genius in schools of blood, prophecy and dust.

It's evening, one of those gray water-color washes, like liquid dust.

Our lives feel like these epochs, but really we are dust in the wind.

Our lives feel like these epochs, but really, we are dust in the wind.

Knowledge is much like dust - it sticks to one, one does not know how.

Part of recovery is relapse. I dust myself off and move forward again.

Some people have enough dust on their bibles to write damnation on it.

All your knowledge is dust. Knowing is your purity, knowledge is dust.

Trophies stay in the cabinet gathering dust, but friends are for life.

Nothing is right and nothing is just; We sow in ashes and reap in dust.

Two messengers covered with dust come to bid me fly, but I wait for him.

Angel dust won't go away. Somefolks who were smoking it were going away.

I'm allergic to molds, cigarette smoke, smog and dust and animals' hair.

One should never be ashamed to cry. Tears are rain on the dust of earth.

Blood moon risin' in a sky of black dust, tell me baby, who do you trust?

'Dust Off And Dance,' the album, was really all about me being in England.

Good excuses rarely collect dust. We use them, and use them, and use them.

The only thing a whirlwind courtship does is blow dust in everyone's eyes.

I was at Yankee Stadium one time at 5 a.m., but that was to buy angel dust

As for me, I consider myself as a speck of the dust of the devotee's feet.

(Egypt) is a great place for contrasts: splendid things gleam in the dust.

Man is a centaur, a tangle of flesh and mind, divine inspiration and dust.

Alas, why does my mind have to walk through the dust of the past every day?

Hope you're keeping the dust out of your eyes and your feet off the ground.

I desired my dust to be mingled with yours Forever and forever and forever.

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