There are many elements to a campaign. Leadership is number one. ...

There are many elements to a campaign. Leadership is number one. Everything else is number two.

I can be a subversive element.

Moments are the elements of profit

Our element is unending immaturity.

The noblest of the elements is water

Woman is also the element of conflict.

Doubt is but another element of faith.

Goalkeepers need an element of insanity.

Boldness is a crucial element of genius.

The mile has all the elements of a drama.

Music is a defining element of character.

I live and breathe every element in life.

Every experience has its element of magic.

The element of harmony is super important.

All high beauty has a moral element in it.

Seagulls . . . slim yachts of the element.

I love the surprise element of being a mom.

Solitude is an essential element of poetry.

Compassion is an essential element of love.

Time is our element, not a mistaken invader.

Money is one of the elements of sovereignty.

All pleasures contain an element of sadness.

Colour is a creative element, not a trimming.

Truthfulness is the main element of character.

The elements are cricket's presiding geniuses.

I believe absence is a great element of charm.

There's a TV element to everything in my eyes.

I miss coaching - certain elements of coaching.

Relationships are the key element to Press & PR

Failure was a key element to my life’s journey.

Simplicity is a great element of good breeding.

Woman is the most moral element in all humanity.

there are elements of truth in all great fiction

Every lover's lament has an element of boasting.

The radical elements in Islam are very dangerous.

Mystery is the basic element of all works of art.

There was a little element of feeling like a cow.

There is a large element of me in every role I do.

Speed has become an important element of strategy.

There are elements of irony in my work, of course.

One graphic element captured the essence of spring

All inquiries carry with them some element of risk.

Choice impacts virtually every element of our life.

There is no realism without an element of idealism.

I love people in elements that they're not used to.

Medicine is the restoration of discordant elements.

Visual elements are, of course, the director's job.

Sad memories often contain an element of nostalgia.

The society of women is the element of good manners.

All great art contains an element of the irrational.

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