I don't get embarrassed.

I got over being embarrassed.

Sometimes, I'm very embarrassed.

I've spent my life being embarrassed.

I have no time for being embarrassed.

There's nothing I'm embarrassed about.

I'm vaguely embarrassed by myself sometimes.

I always think that I've embarrassed myself.

I'm not embarrassed to watch anything on TV.

I'm not embarrassed of anything that I watch.

You can't be ever embarrassed about hustling.

I'm never embarrassed to say, 'I don't know.'

My music, certainly, has never embarrassed me.

If my jeans could talk, would I be embarrassed?

People are embarrassed by disco, but I love it.

Computer Science is embarrassed by the computer.

I'm one of those guys that never get embarrassed.

I had to work in 'Mastizaade,' I felt embarrassed.

I'm not embarrassed about not having read any book.

Every time I fumble or drop a ball I am embarrassed.

I'm not embarrassed that I'm a fan of Justin Bieber.

Being serious just makes me a little bit embarrassed.

I became a teen idol. At the time, it embarrassed me.

When I watch TV, I'm embarrassed by some of what's on.

Nature is not embarrassed by difficulties of analysis.

I used to be so embarrassed by salsa; I wasn't into it.

There are times even I am a bit embarrassed by my look.

I'm not embarrassed about who I am. I'm not apologetic.

All our careers end the same: Face down and embarrassed.

Always argue over text so other people aren't embarrassed!

There is nothing to be embarrassed about being profitable.

A lot can change because you are embarrassed by something.

I felt embarrassed about how my body looked being so pale.

Men killed, and died, because they were embarrassed not to.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't even do my A-levels.

I am an emotional person, but I am not embarrassed by that.

I have written two nonfiction books, I'm embarrassed to say.

I feel slightly embarrassed by being called 'the godfather.'

I am not embarrassed to tell you that I believe in miracles.

He died alone because he was too embarrassed to phone anyone.

I'm so embarrassed by that album. I don't even own it myself.

I have to say that I am embarrassed about how emotional I am.

I really like singing, although I'm embarrassed about doing it.

Never be embarrassed or ashamed by anything you choose to write.

I'm a little embarrassed to say I'm a little bit of a soccer dad.

I think English film is very embarrassed by patriotism, generally.

I've never, like some people are, been embarrassed to be in radio.

I'm most embarrassed at my art shows, even though I don't show it.

I don't get embarrassed easily, and I do silly things all the time!

He who has little will receive. He who has much will be embarrassed.

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