Releasing the emotional energy and focusing on acceptance dissipates anger and restores balance.

Although I'm a very emotional man, I just can't have blind faith, I have to find out for myself.

There's Only so much emotional super glue in a person's soul, that everything just stays broken.

There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion.

Emotional truths can sometimes be conveyed more effectively, more compellingly, through fiction.

After a lifetime of nods, frowns and stoic smiles, they were both fluent in emotional shorthand.

Go through the proper motions each day and you'll soon begin to feel the corresponding emotions!

Shame is not your friend. It depletes your power. Let go of shame and embrace your magnificence.

I was fortunate enough to work under directors who were, most of them, brilliant, emotional men.

I'm not a man of many words, I'm not very expressive or emotional, but it comes out in my music.

Every day has its emotional difficulties. I miss my mother whether I'm singing her music or not.

I don't think that bravery is about skin. Bravery is about a willingness to show emotional need.

The emotional tone or affect of the tale should be hot and engaged, not remote and dispassionate.

If people could see into my heart, I should almost feel ashamed - all there is cold, cold as ice.

The world is full of poetry as the earth is of pay-dirt; one only needs to know how to strike it.

Emotional labor is available to all of us, but it is rarely exploited as a competitive advantage.

Plato's concern is not just an intellectual issue, but it is knitted with emotional life as well.

I try not to think the song to death. The main criteria is if it's working on an emotional level.

Usually, ordinary histories don't get the emotional feel of a period. That's what a novel can do.

Meeting important emotional needs creates the feeling of love, but thoughtfulness keeps it alive.

You have to follow every melodic line, every emotional idea, or you don't get your money's worth.

Our limbic system sets the mind's emotional tone and stores our highly charged emotional memories.

I like to think of Doritos as emotional packing material to safeguard the feelings I've swallowed.

Language that tells us, through a more or less emotional reaction, something that can not be said.

Love affairs are for emotional sprinters; the pleasures of love are for the emotional marathoners.

I believe that laughter is the best emotional Band-Aid in the world. It's like nature's Neosporin.

Think of today as an opportunity to discover and grow beyond your mental and emotional discomfort.

My name is Marc, my emotional life is sensitive and my purse is empty, but they say I have talent.

I hate people doing an emotional striptease. It's never genuine or they wouldn't drag outsiders m.

One cannot be strong without love. For love is not an irrelevant emotion; it is the blood of life.

A sentimentalist is simply one who desires to have the luxury of an emotion without paying for it.

One of a person's greatest emotional needs is to feel appreciated. Start by appreciating yourself.

Within-group conflict is always personal and emotional - even if it begins with impersonal issues.

I stay healthy by dealing with things! Seriously, emotional and spiritual health is most important.

I have a huge emotional attachment to characters I've created, especially the viewpoint characters.

Emotion turning back on itself, and not leading on to thought or action, is the element of madness.

Emotional sickness is avoiding reality at any cost. Emotional health is facing reality at any cost.

Rappers are emotional. Critics be reviewin me. But I got love for everybody even if you're suin me.

I contend that most emotional distress is best understood as a rational response to sick societies.

No, it's not a 'corpse thing.' I feel I lack the emotional capacity to deal with those in mourning.

I hate being so emotionally slutty. I need to stop loving everyone I have a long conversation with.

The more clearly you understand yourself and your emotions, the more you become a lover of what is.

As an actor sometimes you can be a bit emotional and forceful, and that's not always the way to be.

Umpires are like emotional girlfriends, once they make up their minds, there is no point in arguing

True vision is always twofold. It involves emotional comprehensions as well as physical perception.

One ought to hold on to one's heart; for if one lets it go, one soon loses control of the head too.

Growing up, I always took things too personal and was very emotional, and I got made fun of for it.

I'm into people's emotional lives and relationships and the complications of living. That's my turf.

IQ and technical skills are important, but emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership.

Jazz should be much less about stress on technical exhibitionism and much more on emotional content.

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