Your life is a journey of learning to love yourself first and then ...

Your life is a journey of learning to love yourself first and then extending that love to others in every encounter.

When we learn to smile at life, we shall find that the problems we ...

When we learn to smile at life, we shall find that the problems we encounter dissolve.

All actual life is encounter.

I'm in favor of sexual encounters.

I've had a few ghostly encounters.

We owe the world an encounter with God

How one encounters reality is a choice.

He that goeth farre hath many encounters.

Chance encounters are what keep us going.

Each encounter with Jesus changes our life.

I love 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind.'

A crisis is a close encounter of the third kind.

It is better to meet danger than to wait for it.

Every child you encounter is a divine appointment.

Prayer is both conversation and encounter with God.

Every moment of searching is a moment of encounter.

Whatever you encounter, may that be part of the path.

We are almost always guilty of the hate we encounter.

Worship is about encounter-coming into God's presence

There are no accidents, only encounters with destiny!

Real elegance is simply a true encounter with oneself.

I've had some strange fan encounters, that's for sure.

There is no truth to any meeting or physical encounter.

No plan ever survives its first encounter with the enemy.

It is ourselves we encounter whenever we invent fictions.

A reader should encounter themselves in a novel, I think.

When you meet anyone, treat the even as a holy encounter.

It is the lives we encounter that make life worth living.

Wherever you encounter truth, look upon it as Christianity.

Every experience is an opportunity to encounter the Divine.

If on your journey you should encounter GOD, GOD will be cut

Death's an old joke, but each individual encounters it anew.

To me, authentic love is a sacred encounter we all yearn for.

I haven't had that many weird encounters with fans, thank God.

I encounter one example after another of how relative truth is.

He who would lay hands upon us will encounter thorns and barbs!

I've always been relatively reserved with my social encounters.

My ambition is to have beautiful encounters, not to make money.

The fashion of the world is to avoid cost, and you encounter it.

No one that encounters prosperity does not also encounter danger.

...the person you encounter is often more than the person you see.

A moment’s encounter can decide the direction of one’s entire life

All encounters with children are touched with social embarrassment.

I had more sexist encounters as a lawyer than I had as a journalist.

To me, it’s encounters that matter, pictures are much less important.

Doesn't every encounter with God only cause us to thirst for Him more?

Stupidity is always astounding, no matter how often one encounters it.

Be fervent in God, and let nothing grieve you, whatever you encounter.

There is no substitute for a firsthand encounter with the Word of God.

At Berkeley I had my first encounter with real professional scientists.

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