I find teenage girls endlessly funny.

I love sharing my story. It's endlessly healing.

Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated.

I'm not someone who's endlessly patient and wonderful.

As far as comedy goes, I'm endlessly inspired by Jo Firestone.

I read just endlessly, ceaselessly, almost every book, it seems!

It's the murkiness of humanity that I find endlessly fascinating.

I want to work endlessly and tirelessly until I'm an old, old lady.

I admire Elliott Carter endlessly. But I have no ambitions to emulate him.

As a novelist, I'm endlessly fascinated by human behavior and interactions.

America is a great nation, but it cannot spend blood and treasure endlessly.

I can't see myself just endlessly singing the same songs over and over again.

I'm endlessly fascinated with the ways families work and the ways they don't.

I feel that there is not an endlessly expandable universe of fiction readers.

I long to journey endlessly, always in search of something new. Always alert.

Form is endlessly interesting to me, and I love poetry as a formal enterprise.

I feel like I'm not on Earth just to shake it and shake it endlessly, you know?

Chicanos and running water are endlessly fascinating. I can watch them all day.

And by endlessly sanitizing our feelings, we actually feed a disgruntled nation.

Film is endlessly just beyond your reach. I think that's what I love so much about it.

'Let's Get It On' is a classic Motown single, endlessly repeatable and always enjoyable.

One of the problems in modern comics is that they keep referencing themselves endlessly.

I get asked about my weight endlessly. There is no story. It doesn't merit so much talk.

I am just trying to live for my kids. It is all about my kids now. I love them endlessly.

Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty.

Facebook can spend and talk endlessly to defend itself so long as it keeps printing money.

I'm endlessly fascinated by parenting, marriage, my wife and the ins and outs of marriage.

The theater is so endlessly fascinating because it's so accidental. It's so much like life.

I really enjoy writing about female friendship. It's an endlessly interesting dynamic for me.

Of course, like anybody I repeat myself endlessly, but I don't know that I'm doing it, usually.

I don't remember ever stealing things, but I suppose I was endlessly borrowing money off people.

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.

Warhol had resonance because it was high art and low art. And you could argue about it endlessly.

I keep endlessly busy with all kinds of stuff, mostly horses, cattle, livestock, things like that.

I'm miserable: that's why I have such a bad back, because I'm endlessly stressing out about my career.

Truth is quite constricting, in a way. You endlessly see at the start of a film 'This is a true story'.

People were endlessly trying to set me up with 'eligible' men, and I enjoyed going on a galaxy of dates.

Babies are endlessly fascinating to look at and I'm obsessed about their complete and utter lack of guile.

I think America becomes more disgruntled by going to the movies and having an endlessly good time at them.

By fighting a limited, defensive war, America permitted the enemy to endlessly re-supply their field armies.

I don't talk about Amy Winehouse as a 'singer.' She's a pioneer. I listened to her endlessly when I started writing.

I think narcissists are endlessly watchable. The way they view the world and the way they interact within the world.

We've all seen the media endlessly focus on the personal lives of celebrities. Most of it is gossip and tabloid fodder.

Several of my favorite cousins and some of my best friends are lawyers, and I find the profession endlessly fascinating.

Be greedy for social change, and your life will be endlessly enriched. The only failure lies in not trying, or giving up.

I edit as I write. I revise endlessly. I don't go forward until I know that what I've written is as good as I can make it.

Of course God is endlessly multi-dimensional so every religion that exists on earth represents some face, some side of God.

I've endlessly found myself in rooms of men and had the experience of feeling I wasn't being heard. It's a confidence thing.

There are absolutely ways to manipulate behavior, because our behavior is endlessly being manipulated by the world around us.

No, I am not my mother. I am deeply, endlessly grateful for what she did and who she was, but I am a different kind of person.

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