What men call adventures usually consist of the stoical endurance of appalling daily misery.

Florida surfers learn how to be great on mediocre waves. It trains you, gives you endurance.

Gilmore Girls' was really a training ground for so many things. It's a real endurance lesson.

If you stay in the running-if you have endurance-you are bound to win over those who haven't.

Right now, it's just a matter of getting my strength and endurance back. So far, no setbacks.

I always loved running.... It was something you could do by yourself and under your own power.

Wondrous is the strength of cheerfulness, altogether past calculation its powers of endurance.

Small change, small wonders - these are the currency of my endurance and ultimately of my life.

Seventy-five per cent of being successful as an actor is pure luck. The rest is just endurance.

If you wish strongly, have courage and endurance, then you can get to the summit of your dream.

For it is in our nature to endure patiently the decrees of fate, but not the ill-will of others.

I was obsessed with the Olympics. It's so exciting to see that level of excellence and endurance.

Endurance cannot be produced by determination alone; endurance is a product of physical exercise.

My favorite off-mountain workout is the long run. It's great for building endurance and strength.

He was endowed with the extraordinary powers of endurance characteristic of madmen and simpletons.

All daring and courage, all iron endurance of misfortune-make for a finer, nobler type of manhood.

The DNA showed I have a level of endurance in me which I never really realised, which makes sense.

I got plenty of cautions that one or two of these marathons was all a man should do in a lifetime.

The first need of being is endurance; to endure with gladness if we can, with fortitude in any event.

There is a strength of quiet endurance as significant of courage as the most daring feats of prowess.

To bear lightly the neck's yoke brings strength; but kicking against the goads is the way of failure.

You'll encounter difficulties at any job, and the best way for me to get through them is via endurance.

Some people never get their feet on the ground, They're either sitting in a chair or theyre laying down.

I suppose if you could have only one thing, it would be that-energy. Without it, you haven't got a thing.

Many dedicated endurance athletes don’t need to be told what to do – they need to be told what not to do.

Worthy goals are consistently achieved by enduring forces of adversity and opposition until they subside.

True endurance, I think, comes from the inside. It comes from motivation and belief in what you're doing.

"Do you have the talent?" is rarely the question. "Do you have the guts to finish?" is the real question.

Endurance is the prerogative of woman, enabling the gentlest to suffer what would cause terror to manhood.

I'd try to channel my nervous energy in a positive way into strength and endurance. It didn't always work.

I'm an explosive fighter so I've always got to have that strength, but you've got to mix it with endurance.

I have a lot of endurance and I have a good background right now in my training and it's time to get ready.

Bodily decay is gloomy in prospect, but of all human contemplations the most abhorrent is body without mind.

Victims of oppression & injustice don't need our spasm of passion....they need our legs & lungs of endurance.

August in sub-Saharan Los Angeles is one of the great and awful tests of one's endurance, sanity and stamina.

Suffering produces the very endurance that will enable you to reach the finish line of the race set before you.

We're on the road 300 days a year. There's no recovery time. It's a test of your physical and mental endurance.

I know Test cricket is more about endurance. T20 is more about innovating, creating, and the energy at the wicket.

Cycling is such an endurance sport. I don't think it's the worst thing ever to start when you're in your twenties.

With athletes, it's never fully understood the level to which we push ourselves. Especially in an endurance sport.

I feel like my endurance is actually better. Especially trying to get down to 140, I was experiencing body cramps.

Modern warfare is increasingly expeditionary and requires platforms with extended range, flexibility and endurance.

I already have natural speed, which I don't need to work on, so in training I've been working more on my endurance.

The human cardiovascular system evolved as part of the physiology of [prehistoric] hunters, who ran for their lives.

You must be fast enough - you must have endurance. So you run fast for speed and repeat it many times for endurance.

It is a basic tenet throughout the Scriptures that God rewards diligence, faithfulness, endurance, and steadfastness.

Pain, tolerance, endurance-when it comes down to that point, there's always something left. You just have to find it.

Resilience is distinct from mere survival, and more than mere endurance. Resilience is often endurance with direction.

You can hurt more than you ever thought possible, then continue until you discover that hurting isn't that big a deal.

People tell me I'm dancing better than ever. I don't know what happened, but I have new enthusiasm and more endurance.

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