Englishmen must have an island.

The last great Englishman is low.

No Englishman is ever fairly beaten

Englishmen have always loved Moliere.

We are Englishmen; that is one good fact.

I am the last Englishman to rule in India.

We Indians are one as no two Englishmen are.

An Englishman fears contempt more than death.

To Englishmen, life is a topic, not an activity.

Englishmen do like to get in a dress, any excuse.

Not only England, but every Englishman is an island.

I was a terrible dancer. I dance like an Englishman.

My two elder sisters married Englishmen and went abroad.

Americans admire success. Englishmen admire heroic failure

An Englishman, being flattered, is a lamb; threatened, a lion.

When a tiger changes his nature, Englishmen will change theirs.

An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.

An Englishman is content to say nothing when he has nothing to say.

I've written so many songs about Englishmen, I have to go elsewhere.

It is in bad taste," is the most formidable word an Englishman can pronounce.

John Locke invented common sense, and only Englishmen have had it ever since!

I sound like an Englishman impersonating an American impersonating an Englishman.

In the heart of any pious Jew, God is a Jew. Is your God an Englishman or an American?

Why is it, do you suppose, that an Englishman is unhappy until he has explained America?

The English language is so elastic that you can find another word to say the same thing.

We are showing that Englishmen can still die with a bold spirit, fighting it out to the end.

The Englishman is too apt to neglect the present good in preparing against the possible evil.

German and Spanish are accessible to foreigners: English is not accessible even to Englishmen.

An Englishmen thinks seated; a Frenchmen standing; an American pacing, an Irishman, afterwards.

Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life.

In dealing with Englishmen you can be sure of one thing only, that the logical solution will not be adopted.

In dealing with Englishmen you can be sure of one thing only, that the logical solution will not be adopted.

The Englishman can get along with sex quite perfectly so long as he can pretend that it isn't sex but something else.

For us, sons of France, political sentiment is a passion; while, for the Englishmen, politics are a question of business.

I love the sad songs with their maudlin, self-deprecating, almost funny lyrics. As an Englishman, they make a lot of sense.

Every Englishman is convinced of one thing, viz.: That to be an Englishman is to belong to the most exclusive club there is.

The third absolute right, inherent in every Englishman, is that of . . . the sacred and inviolable rights of private property.

There is a peculiarity in the countenance, as everybody knows, which, though it cannot be described, is sure to betray the Englishman.

After 'Mad Men,' I got offered various types of uptight Englishmen, which I wasn't interested in doing. I didn't want to repeat myself.

So long as classical education and classical prejudices prevailed, educated Englishmen inevitably saw ancient Britain as an alien land.

I am not an Englishman, I was never an Englishman, and I don't ever want to be one. I am a Scotsman! I was a Scotsman and I will always be one.

Some persons have ventured to say that it is only since Englishmen ceased to believe in the Bible that they began to discover how beautiful it was.

I think the French have a romantic cliche that Englishmen have great style, great music, irony and sense of humour. Well, sometimes cliches are true.

I appeal to all Britishers to answer this call to arms for the defence of all the principles that we Englishmen have been the first to proclaim in the world.

Window-breaking, when Englishmen do it, is regarded as honest expression of political opinion. Window-breaking, when Englishwomen do it, is treated as a crime.

The foundation of empire is art and science. Remove them or degrade them, and the empire is no more. Empire follows art and not vice versa as Englishmen suppose.

I think Englishmen or Northern Europeans in general are more naturally attracted to the lute than to the guitar, which always seems Spanish exotic - to our ears.

There is nothing so bad or so good that you will not find Englishmen doing it; but you will never find an Englishman in the wrong. He does everything on principle.

Louise de Keroualle, being a Frenchwoman from the French court, was feared by most Englishmen for how she might influence their king, and that fear quickly turned to hatred.

In 'A Room With a View,' you have three young Englishmen running around naked and laughing and whooping and jumping in the water. It's something the English don't apparently find troublesome.

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