I'm usually just enjoying life.

I'm enjoying simplifying things.

I'm grateful and enjoying the ride.

Enjoying life for me is just normal.

Life is settled and I'm enjoying it.

I'm enjoying being a woman on-screen.

I'm not going to give up enjoying food.

I'm just enjoying my life at the moment.

Ultimately, I'm enjoying what I'm doing.

No man is a failure who is enjoying life.

If you are enjoying yourself its infectious.

I think prom is just about enjoying yourself.

I'm actually enjoying attention. Who wouldn't?

I want to be playing and enjoying my football.

I'm enjoying the work while I get it right now.

We worked so hard we almost stopped enjoying it.

I think I am aging, but I'm enjoying the process.

One of life's finest things is enjoying your food.

If you're not enjoying your work, what's the point?

I'm just thrilled to see people enjoying the music.

The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.

People learn more when they're enjoying themselves.

Stop being a vegan and start enjoying what you eat.

I am enjoying my work but films are not my lifeline.

I am enjoying being an actor, I really love the art.

At the moment, I'm enjoying John Grisham quite a bit.

I truly love captaining. I've grown into enjoying it.

I like being upbeat, positive, happy, enjoying family.

As long as I'm enjoying swimming, I will keep swimming.

I'm enjoying writing songs that are more stripped back.

I am a believer in the journey and enjoying the journey.

I am single and enjoying it. My work is keeping me busy.

I still need practice in enjoying the fruits of success.

Sex hasn't been the same since women started enjoying it.

Americans often have trouble enjoying the present moment.

I don't enjoy. I suffer from enjoying. It's very Christian.

Conrad Black is a picture of a man hugely enjoying himself.

If you are enjoying your football, you see it on the pitch.

I am enjoying the abundance and variety of work on the web.

I am enjoying the opportunity to play in the Premier League.

I've been enjoying baking with whatever is available at home.

I am just enjoying playing. There is nothing to be scared of.

I was strong and healthy and I was enjoying what I was doing.

I am enjoying my single life and seriously have no complaints.

If you are in business, you are not enjoying. You are working.

I'm looking forward to just enjoying my reign as Miss Universe.

I am just relaxing and enjoying myself, doing what I always did.

I've got to come into the day enjoying myself and go from there.

I'm enjoying it, but I still don't know why I'm hooked on acting.

I'm a film doll. But I'm enjoying it. So I'm gonna keep doing it.

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