They kill good trees to put out bad newspapers.

Hollywood's got its own particular environment.

We do not ride on the railroad; it rides upon us.

Everyone should ride the bus so that I can drive.

What we are seeing here is environmental injustice

Good environmental policy is good economic policy.

There must be more to life than having everything.

Our whole economy is based on planned obsolescence.

The organization and the environment are in concert.

The environmental crisis is all a result of rushing.

Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.

The whole earth is a living icon of the face of God.

Nuclear power will be the Vietnam issue of the 1980s.

Global warming threatens the survival of our species.

All is connected... no one thing can change by itself.

We may achieve climate, but weather is thrust upon us.

The environment has fallen to the wayside in politics.

We live in a web of ideas, a fabric of our own making.

Taking on corporate greed is an environmental concern.

Home is an invention on which no one has yet improved.

We won't have a society if we destroy the environment.

In the eternal youth of Nature, you may renew your own.

All is connected ... no one thing can change by itself.

As you heat the planet up, it's just like boiling a pot.

CO₂ emissions anywhere threaten civilisation everywhere.

Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.

The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth.

ndustry is Fortune's right hand, and Frugality her left.

With chemicals, it's shoot first and ask questions later.

Sadly, it's much easier to create a desert than a forest.

33% of urban traffic is actively seeking a parking space.

Economic advance is not the same thing as human progress.

Lightning is the shorthand of a storm, and tells of chaos.

Moral codes adjust themselves to environmental conditions.

If you drill, there's going to be a spill. It's axiomatic.

Nature does not pile up 1000 hogs, then hope for the best.

We make the world we live in and shape our own environment.

You may be able to fool the voters, but not the atmosphere.

We could have saved the Earth but we were too damned cheap.

America has not led but fled on the issue of global warming.

I don't know if acting is genetic. Maybe it's environmental.

It is pleasant to have been to a place the way a river went.

Try to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived.

The funny thing about sustainability is you gotta sustain it.

I am glad I will not be young in a future without wilderness.

Energy conservation is the foundation of energy independence.

The environmental crisis is fundamentally a spiritual crisis.

There is not a sprig of grass that shoots uninteresting to me.

Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.

The cheapest natural gas in the world is in the United States.

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