I'm of the opinion that life doesn't always tie up neatly at the end of the episode.

I didn't grow up watching detective shows. I've never even seen an episode of 'CSI.'

I feel like every first episode of a TV show is bad, you know, and it always improves.

I had two things on my bucket list: Be in the NBA, or direct an episode of 'New Girl.'

That first episode of 'Newsroom,' the way it just cooked, I thought it was really good.

I did an episode of The Profiler. I actually worked on the last episode of Murphy Brown.

From the moment I watched my first episode of 'Girls,' I have been a fan of Lena Dunham.

I remember watching the premiere of the pilot episode of 'Next Gen' when I was a teenager.

You're on set more when you produce an episode, and it's long hours, but you learn so much.

I find the conversations on 'Drag Race' very authentic, and I cry pretty much every episode.

I text with my dad during every 'Scandal' episode. We talk story lines, acting, and fashion.

I never like to do storytelling where everything is just copacetic right after that episode.

If I watch an episode of SNL, and there's one thing that I liked, then that's a good episode.

I'm still nervous before I start any episode. I never feel completely secure, and I love that.

Taking a role in a drama series takes a lot of energy, as new episode must be made every week.

My favorite episode of Stargate? All of them! My favorite episode of Parker Lewis? All of them!

Well, I just finished starring in a new episode of the new The Twilight Zone television series.

When you're not the lead on a series, you work intermittently, even if you're in every episode.

We don't sit down and look at the news pages and think, 'How could we do an episode about that?'

When I did my first episode of 'Xena,' I told my parents this is the worst acting I've ever done.

I've played four roles on 'Star Trek.' My favorite episode was 'The Visitor' on 'Deep Space Nine.'

I wouldn't want to be in a Lisa episode. They're kind of boring. Maybe a Homer one would be better.

If I was going to direct an episode of 'Younger', I wanted it to look like an episode of 'Younger.'

It might be a little embarrassing, but I never ever missed an episode of 'Dawson's Creek' growing up.

We said we could do a full episode - find the car, build it, complete it and shoot it - in two weeks.

I directed an episode of 'Party of Five' toward the very end of that show. It was a great experience.

I got pantsed in 'Bar Wars,' the number-one rated episode of 'Cheers' all time. I'm very proud of that.

It was never in the plan for me to direct 'Episode IX,' so I don't know what's going to happen with it.

Even if an episode is self-contained, the preceding episodes always affect how the audience takes it in.

I get emotional easily: I feel like 'Cupcake Wars,' 'Chopped' - the right episode just breaks you apart.

'Bionic Woman' changed direction too much from episode to episode, which I think is why it lost momentum.

My first proper credit was a small voice-over on an episode of 'The Sopranos' when I was, like, 11 or 12.

When I came out to L. A., I got a part in an episode of 'Star Trek: Voyager,' and I hired an acting coach.

I actually got more attention from one episode of 'The Sopranos' than I did from two years of 'The L Word.'

I've always felt that I wanted to make a Marvel film... I just want to make sure I'm not making an episode.

I grew up in Chicago, but when I was 12, I came to New York because I was doing an episode of 'Law & Order.'

There are shows that are monolithic successes on TV that nobody in the business ever watches one episode of.

Sometimes I look back and think, 'Good. I'd love to go in and bang out a good episode of 'Talk Soup' today.'

We're drinking my friend, To the end of a brief episode, Make it one for my baby, And one more for the road.

With the finale episode of 'Gravity Falls' our job as storytellers is to finish all the things we've started.

I did a one-off episode of 'The New Normal' for Ryan Murphy, and that was the first time I played a gay role.

We worked under a lot of pressure... three days to do an episode, sometimes two in a week, 39 episodes a year.

The first 'Interdimensional Cable' episode is amazing because it's filled with such absolute drunken nonsense.

In 'Sugar' I'll be singing in every episode and I'll be acting and doing comedy. It's ideal for me if it works.

I have enough to keep me going, and I love watching 'Bigg Boss.' I totally enjoy that. I don't miss any episode.

In the writers' room, when we talk about each episode, we first talk about the character journey of the episode.

I have seen a couple of episode of 'Tantra' and I found it quite engaging because of the mystery involved in it.

When it's something you really adore, I think you don't want to be the one who accidentally writes a crap episode.

Chimps are very quick to have a sudden fight or aggressive episode, but they're equally as good at reconciliation.

I can't miss an episode of 'The Apprentice'. It is car-crash T.V. Sometimes I find myself hiding behind a cushion.

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