Money equals freedom.

Style equals pretense.

Education equals economic growth.

Bigger risk equals bigger reward.

Reading equals hope times change.

Virtue can only flourish among equals.

Bolivia is not yet a country of equals.

I grew up looking at my parents as equals.

Baathism in Iraq equals Nazism in Germany.

Less intelligence capacity equals less safety.

Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles.

I always say centered food equals centered behavior.

I love working so much. For me, working equals happiness.

Donald Trump is a man who likes to think he has few equals.

I'm after megafights, and me fighting Haye equals megafight.

My parents' generation's benchmark was simple: Fat Equals Bad.

At CNN, our view is that good journalism equals good business.

A bunch of chairs lined up in front of a podium equals school.

Loads of computer graphics equals a terrible video in my book.

Logic plus logic equals the illogical. Do you know what I mean?

I would say Mick Jagger plus Mr. Furley equals Howard Wolowitz.

The opinion that Trump equals hate is not a fact. It is a view.

We came equals into this world, and equals shall we go out of it.

Mainstream to me equals boring, so I don't want to be doing that.

Avoiding offense means that we don't accept each other as equals.

All parties have one leader at the top who is the first among equals.

Venture capital is unscalable. Production equals the time each partner has.

Let us walk into the conference room as equals and not second class citizens.

West Indian cultural mentality and a North American life equals the perfect balance.

Bottom line is, work ethic equals dreams, and I am walking proof that that's a fact.

I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.

People have pain - they do regrettable things, they feel shame, and shame equals pain.

I want to empower girls so that they are treated as equals to the boys in the country.

Trout plus bacon is one of civilization's greatest formulas; it always equals pleasure.

Wrestling equals ratings. It seems sometimes that TV stations don't like to make money.

One mysterious person looking at another mysterious person equals what? Another mystery.

I have been brought up in a house where animals are our friends and we treat them as equals.

When the weight of the paper equals the weight of the airplane, only then you can go flying.

In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.

The sexes in each species of being... are always true equivalents - equals but not identical.

Everything about the Olympics was first class, and women were treated as athletes and equals.

I believe that how you feel is very important to how you look - that healthy equals beautiful.

Creation takes things forward. Without anything new there is no progress. Creation equals new.

When we toured with AC/DC, we always had to bring our A game. They really felt like our equals.

Usually, it is the men who are given importance. But now, people view women wrestlers as equals.

If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.

There should be no segregation. Everyone should be united, and everyone should be seen as equals.

I want mainstream artists to accept Latino artists as equals without us having to sing in English.

Amity itself can only be maintained by reciprocal respect, and true friends are punctilious equals.

No water equals no life. We can have no oil; it's fine. No water - there is no plan b with no water.

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