There's no time to waste. Every day, there needs to be movement on something.

I never had a policy; I have just tried to do my very best each and every day.

Live every day as if it's going to be your last, and one day, you'll be right.

I have to make beats every day. Wherever I go, I got a keyboard waiting for me.

Every day I try to be in communication with the universe in an unconscious way.

Try to arrange things so that you can have a reasonable bit of quiet every day.

I wake up every day with a smile - I'm a blessed man, and every day is special.

My goal is to stay in good health, and every day, I wake up and pray that I do.

I have learnt many things, but there's more to learn. Every day is a new start.

You are bigger than your self-doubt. Remind yourself of that each and every day.

I didn't grow up eating no vegetables. I ate at fast food restaurants every day.

If you like something, rock it. If you want to rock a cape every day, go for it.

If you're paying attention and you've been a good listener, you learn every day.

It's not every day you get to do what you love and have a major story behind it.

Winning is like shaving - you do it every day or you wind up looking like a bum.

Breaks balance out. The sun don't shine on the same ol' dog's rear end every day.

Oh, if it be to choose and call thee mine, love, thou art every day my Valentine!

Every day is a new day, and ultimately, I have to figure out what works each day.

Repetition every day. That's something the great ones do is never get complacent.

One hate crime is committed approximately every hour of every day in this country.

I wake up every day, and I'm a Puerto Rican girl from the Bronx. Every single day.

I don't care what other people say. I fight every day to be the best player I can.

Seek the lofty by reading, hearing and seeing great work at some moment every day.

If every day is an awakening, you will never grow old. You will just keep growing.

I shall think of Freddie Mercury every day - maybe for a moment, maybe for longer.

I'm successful every day because I look in the mirror, and I'm happy with who I am.

I will not say that women have no character; rather, they have a new one every day.

I count my blessings every day, quite honestly, because I take nothing for granted.

Gold medals are made out of sweat, blood and tears and effort in the gym every day.

Every day, I wanna work on being a better person, not just to others but to myself.

Every day, I like to wake up and remind myself to be grateful of the simple things.

If you want to be at the highest level, then you have to really work hard every day.

I grew up on the softball field. Every day I would take my glove and my bat with me.

I don't drink coffee, but I do try to find a way to get some chocolate in every day.

Courage is on display every day, and only the courageous wring the most out of life.

I'm looking more like my dogs every day - it must be the shaggy fringe and the ears.

History is made every day. The challenge is getting everyone to pay attention to it.

I drink almost a bottle of pickle juice every day, man, and it keeps me going great.

Every day should be a good day. People fool themselves that they'll be here forever.

People think how a sugar basin has no physiognomy, no soul. But it changes every day.

I try to be the same guy every day, no matter the situation, no matter the adversity.

Every day, women move mountains. It is an insult to have an international women's day.

We'll work hard every day to prepare for the matches and to do our best in every game.

If you want to be depressed every day, there's plenty of material. The world is crazy.

Every day, it gets harder and harder to even go outside. People start crying and stuff.

Plans never go well for me. I just live every day like I ain't gonna live the next one.

Every day, I get closer to God. Every day, my will to do the right thing gets stronger.

You can't have a mid-life crisis in the airline industry because every day is a crisis.

I think you learn every day. You can't buy experiences; all these experiences shape you.

I hate clothes. As soon as I get home every day, I take off as many clothes as possible.

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